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I hadn’t really liked what my parents had chosen for me, and I had rebelled in just about any way I could. When they tried to force me to cut my hair, I dyed it black with purple highlights. When my mom tried to make me get contacts instead of glasses, I got violet contacts to go over my bright blue eyes, which made for an interesting color combination. It just served to piss my mom off when I only wore one, a fun bonus. The black glasses just set the whole thing it off. That, combined with the dark clothes I always wore made me seem a bit intimidating to most people.

Then there were the life choices. My parents had known I didn’t like the schools they chose for me, but when I dropped out of political sciences at MIT, they had kicked me out. That didn’t faze me in the slightest. I filed for emancipation and moved in with Josh, working in his store until I could buy the second floor of his apartment off of him. I converted a room into a showroom for my art, and opened my own studio. It was mostly birds, but I did occasional custom pieces. Then there was Kestrel. I was biromantic and asexual, and my parents didn’t exactly accept that. They wanted grandchildren, and I was fine with two cats and a girlfriend.

Suffice to say, I couldn’t afford the cats yet, and Kestrel was my girlfriend now. And I was a slightly gothic, utilitarian, bi, ace, nerdy, geeky, brilliant, dropout artist in the middle of London. Melody Claudia Wing, this is your life. And really, I wouldn’t trade a second of it for anything.

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