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Ren found me that way three hours later, still drawing. She didn’t say anything, just sat down next to me and watched me fill in the sky and the last shadows. As I set aside my paper, she leaned against me and I put an arm over her shoulders. We just sat there a while; my little sister and I, watching the sun rise over New York. It was beautiful.

But all good things come to an end, and soon enough Gran opened the door and our peace was shattered.

“What are you two total goofballs doing out here? And both of you without a proper coat! Melody, put on some gloves, for crying out loud. Good lord, how long have you two been out here? Your hands are almost blue.”

I could almost feel the exasperation in Ren’s sarcastic eye roll.

“Gran, just how old do you think we are? Quit being a mother hen. Maybe some of that fabulous hot chocolate would help. I think Timekeeper Market is open.”

I nodded, pitching in to the conversation. “I think the café is a 24-hour deal. I flew over there around three this morning and they were open. Ren was right, they do have an epic mocha.”

Gran shook her head. “You two are impossible. But fine, we’ll walk over. Wings, that means walking, not flying.”

Ren cheered. Gran laughed. I pouted.

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