Funhouse Of Doom

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Darkness. That was the only thing that Spider-Man and Black Cat could see as they fell from an unknown height. It was then Spider-Man wrapped his arm around Black Cat's waist and fire his web shooter when suddenly they could see the ground the below them was much to their relief was not far from them and they managed to land, somewhat perfectly, onto the ground though both were left quite shaken by the sudden drop.

"Spider, are you ok?" Black Cat asked him.

"Yeah I'm fine," Spider-Man assured her, "Glad no one was around to see that. That was embarrassing screaming like that."

"Same here," Black Cat replied with a slight blush on her face before taking in a look of the view of their surroundings. "Actually, where the hell are we?"

Spider-Man took a good look around himself and he was surprise as her as to know where they were. They might've both been thinking about something like an alien base, spaceship or something science fiction related; neither them had expected to find themselves in what looked like a carnival though they were surrounded by a wooden fence with what was a large clown face in front of them which had its eyes closed. Was all this inside this apartment block or was there something else at play?

"This doesn't seem right," Spider-Man muttered, "where's the aliens?"

Then suddenly, the large eyes on the clown face shot wide open revealing these demonic yellow eyes that seemed bloodshot with behind it being a building.

"Welcome Spider-Man, so glad you could drop in!" The unmistakable voice of Mysterio boomed out.

The web swinger though grinned behind the mask and always loved to have fun with his opponents. So he replied with a sarcastic tone. "Hey it's Mysterio! The cliché who walks like a man."

Black cat giggled at this observation and couldn't help join in with, "and seems to act like a clown if this place gives us evidence to that."

This wouldn't go down well with Mysterio. "Silence! Prepare to meet your...ah, now who do we have here?"

The large staring eyes cast their gaze over towards Black Cat and the short haired platinum blonde woman placed her hands on her hips while rolling her eyes. "The name's Black Cat, and you'll be hoping that I won't cross your path."

"Well then!" Mysterio's voice boomed out with a chuckle. "It would appear that you Spider-Man have proven to me that this planet might provide me with something to take back to my home world with."

Both masked characters glanced at each other bemused at this comment though Black Cat had a suspicious thought at what Mysterio meant. "What are you talking about?" Black Cat inquired.

The cackle of Mysterio was heard very loudly. "With such a fine specimen as yourself, Black will make a fine queen to rule alongside me!"

If anyone could see through Spider-Man's mask, they would've seen Peter Parker's eyes go wide as saucers; never had heard such a thing before as his time as Spider-Man and thought it only happened in the movies.

Though this was nothing to the look on Black Cat's face in which her green eyes were wide with shock before a look of disgust and creeped were evident in her face and then made a brief glance at Spider-Man as if her face was saying, 'is he for real?'

"Uh, no thanks," Black Cat refused. "I don't date creepy aliens who want to take over the world, plus I don't it's legal for humans and aliens to even date."

"Foolish Earth girl!" Mysterio's voiced echoed. "You will soon face your comeuppance when you enter my...FUNHOUSE OF DOOM!"

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