Under His Spell

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"Let go of me you freaks!" Black Cat angerly cried out at the fake Spider-Men upon dragging her out on the other side of the mirror. The strange feeling of being dragged through that mirror was something that Black Cat could never quite put into words just how weird it felt.

Then her whole would quite literally turn upside down as suddenly she fell upwards and the whole situation was so confusing that she didn't have time to react to what was happening and she didn't know what way was up or down. Then she landed on something soft which she was relieved that it was not a hard landing, but she was still awfully confused at what was going on.

"Ugh, where am I?" Black Cat asked herself and only now she recovered her senses and soon found out where she was. She was in another large circular room like the mirror room (thankfully no creepy eye looking up at here this time) though this time it looked like it was all made from bronze with many pillars all around the wall all headed upwards where they all joined up on the roof. Weirdly enough as she looked up, she couldn't see as to where to fell from and how she managed to wind up here, plus the two Spider-Men had vanished.

Then while she was looking up, she noticed that in the shape of a circle was a large window which on the outside saw the curvature of the Earth from space and it only struck her that this was a Spaceship she was on...at least, that's what she hoped it wouldn't be.

Then taking the time to look down at what she had landed on, she saw that it was a stylised bronze chair which looked like throne with two spires on the top of the chair and what made it soft was the padding which was what seemed like red leather and she did have to admit it did feel very comfy though squeaked a lot thanks to her catsuit being made of leather too. She did have a thing for leather it must be said...

"Hello?" Black Cat asked out to anyone that might be here.

"Welcome Black Cat!" Boomed the voice of Mysterio and suddenly, a burst of green smoke appeared on her left which from the smoke came another throne chair like the one she was sitting on but sitting in that chair was one certain glass dome head menace.

"You!" Black Cat cried out as she jumped off her seat and stood away from the seated Mysterio. "Where am I? Why have you brought me here?"

It was only now she could see the full details of what this supposed alien looked like. He had his glass dome helmet which had an orange tint to it which made it difficult for Black Cat to see who exactly was behind it. He had these bronze shoulder pads that seemed to be connected to the neck which speaking which on the neck brace had these two eyes which to Black Cat seemed alive. Finally, there was the grand looking purple cloak he wore which had bits of green and bronze lining around it.

She did have to admit for a crazy megalomaniac, he did dress nicely but that didn't mean to say that she liked him.

Mysterio chuckled again in that echoed voice. "Isn't it obvious? I would like you to join me as you'll be the queen to my king once we take over this planet and return to my world!"

Then she understood why there were two matching chairs there; they were thrones for a king and queen. The creep. Then again where did he get two chairs like if he didn't know she would be here at the start of the night? She was now very suspicious...

"Uh, hello?" Groaned Black Cat as she rolled her eyes. "Didn't I just say to you I don't want to do nothing with you?"

"And why so?" Mysterio asked.

Black Cat placed her hands on her hips and glared at him. "Seems like men across the universe can be the same as men on Earth in which 'no' means 'yes' and saying 'no' twice means, 'take me I'm all yours'."

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