Chapter One - My Big Secret

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Betty's POV:

It was December 31, when Archie threw a New Years party, It was December 24 when I found out some news that would change our lives.

"Hey Betts"

Whenever I heard him say that it felt like all of my problems went away.

"Hi Jug" As I was running over to kiss him, FP also enters the room, he had a look of shock all over his face.

"FP what's wrong," I asked, he said he needed to talk to me.

My heart stopped.

"Is my mom okay? Is everyone okay?"

*gasp* Does he know about my secret?

"Yes, your mother is okay, it's just I need to talk to you for a sec," FP replied.

Fp and I leave the room, he takes me into the kitchen and opens a drawer, and out he pulls a stick with 2 pink lines.

"Betty- Is this yours? Are you..." FP asked me in a whisper,

"Yes I am FP, but I have not told Jughead yet, so please don't say anything."

I hug FP so tight and say "FP, Jughead, and I are going to get through this."

"I believe in you Betty and congratulations."

I get a wave of nausea, and I run to the bathroom.

I throw up for about 3 minutes before Jughead comes in.

"Betty, are you okay?" Jughead asked me.

"I am fine, Jug, just a-a little pre-party excitement." I hate to lie to jughead, but this was for his own good.

Jughead's POV:

"Okay Juliet, do you want me to stay?" I asked Betty,

"Yes please Jug" She replied in her

"OW!" Betty says and grabs her stomach.

I run to Betty, and she is on the floor grabbing onto her stomach.

"Oh my god! Betty are you okay?" I say running over to comfort her

"I think s-so," Betty replied.

"Are you sure you want to go to this party?" I say.

"Yes, Jughead it's going to yes g-great, and besides I live next door to Archie, so if anything happens, I will be at home."

She replied with a small smile on her face, how could I say no to her?

"Okay," I say, and I pick Juliet up, and I helped her get cleaned up.

We get ready for the party, and as we're driving Betty grabs her stomach again, and she screamed.

Even though it pierced my ears, Betty was in pain. I pull over to comfort her and help her through this.

"OOOOWWW" Betty shouts, grabbing onto her stomach

"Betty? Betty? H-how do I help you?" I say in a very anxious way.

"Y-es I a-am okay," Betty replies,

We continue driving to the party, and in 5 minutes we arrive at Archie's house.

Veronica's POV:

I see Betty and Jughead pull up in the driveway.

Betty looks sick, so I run inside and get her a glass of water.

By the time I came outside, there is Betty, clutching onto her stomach.

"B? What's wrong?" I say to Betty while handing her some water.

"She just has a little stomach bug I think, but she really wanted to come to this party," Jughead replies

"Okay, Jughead why don't you go find Archie? I'll stay here with Betty." I say while rubbing Betty's back.

Jughead walks inside, and Betty falls to her knees sobbing.

"Oh my gosh B, what's wrong?" I say

"I-I a-am-" Betty says, but before she can finish she runs inside to the bathroom.

I follow Betty. Once we reach the bathroom Betty starts throwing up.

"Should I go get Jughead?" I say while holding up Betty's hair.

"NO! don't do t-that." Betty shouts.

I try to convince her to tell me what's wrong until it hits me.

"B? Are you..." I say.

"Yes, Veronica I am pregnant." She croaked as tears trickled down her face.

"Oh my gosh B! Congrats!" I say followed by "Does Jughead know?"

"No, but FP found my test it was in the kitchen drawer," Betty says

"So I think I need to tell him soon before any more people find out."

"He will be so happy B," Veronica says.

"Let's go get you cleaned up," I say, gesturing towards Archie's room.

Betty's POV:

Veronica helps me get up, and I feel dizzy again, but Veronica holds me.

"I have something that you might want to see V," I say to Veronica.

"Oooh, can't wait," Veronica says.

Once we reach Archie's room, I take off my dress and Veronica gives me a beautiful baby pink dress.

"Oh my gosh V, it's stunning," I say looking at the dress.

Veronica says "What did you want to show me?"

"I grab her hand, and place it on my stomach."

Veronica gasps, "Oh my gosh B, your baby wanted to make its appearance."

"Yeah, I am 4 months and I still have not told Jughead, and he has not yet noticed the bump," I say

"4 MONTHS?! Do you know the gender?!" Veronica says smiling.

"I did not want to find out the gender until I tell Jughead."

I check the time, it's 11:53 pm

"Oh my gosh V, it's 11:53 we need to go," I say in a panicky voice

We quickly get dressed and put on some makeup and we rush downstairs.

"Come on guys! there are only 20 seconds left!"

As everybody else in the room is counting down, Jughead says:

"Betty I am worried about you"

"Jug, I am fine. We have someone else to worry about" I say holding Jughead's hands.

"Who? What are you talking about Betty?" Jughead asks

I place his hands on my stomach, and I smile.

"Betty..." Jughead says

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" Everybody else shouts and laughs

"Yes Jug, I am pregnant. That's why I've been throwing up." I sat

Everybody is staring at us. With Jughead's hand on my stomach and the comfort of him, my heart felt full.

But the only thing missing is a baby.

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