Chapter Seven - The Birth

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*I am going to do a narration perspective know, because why not?*

Betty was in lot's of pain, she was having what she thought where braxton hicks, but where really contractions

"Jughead!! Archie!!"

Veronica yells, "BETTY"S WATER BROKE!"

Both of the boys rush out in there boxers, "WHAT?!" Jughead was in shock

"She was getting the remote, and then her water broke!" Veronica said

"Oooooooh, here comes another one!"

Betty was having a contraction, Jughead rushed over to her

"Hey, hey you've got this!"

"What do w-we do?" Betty asks

"We have to deliver the baby, with Archie's knowledge , Betty's birthing classes, and the moral support, we can do it." Veronica says

"Okay we need towels, a bowl with warm water, and lots of pillows" Archie says.

"I will help Betty to the bathtub"

Jughead says,

"Why the bathtub?" Asks Veronica,

"Because people do home water births, and it's proven to work if we do it right."

Jughead replies.

"Look who's been paying attention in b-birthing class" Betty says and lets out a worried laugh.

"I will help Betty, get into some comfier clothing"

"Jug, I feel like I need to push." Betty says.

"No you don't that's just the pressure, you will push later." Jughead says

"O-okay, Jughead I am scared" Betty says.

"So am I, but we will get through this together." He replies

"AHH JUG!" Betty yells

"It's going to be okay, just breathe." Jughead rubs Betty's back

"No Jug, I feel so much pressure. I need to push!" Betty says

"Jug, your going to need to check, how many centimeters I am dilated." Betty says

"Remember they taught us how to d-do that?" Betty continues.

"Okay, Just don't push." Jughead says

Jughead helps Betty get her pants and underwear off.

"Oh my god! Betty, don't push. I can see the top of the baby's head!" Jughead says

"Really? That means I am 10 centimeters dilated." Betty says

"I am going to see if the bath is ready, okay?" Jughead says

There was a couple really cool things about the apartment, the huge jacuzzi bathtub was 1 of them, it could fit 3 people."

"The water was ready" Jughead shouts for Veronica

"Veronica!!" Jughead yells.

"What ,is everything okay?" Veronica asks

"Betty is fully dilated, and I can see the top of the baby's head. don't let her push, I am going to get supplies"

Jughead says "Help Betty to the bathtub."

"Okay." Veronica says

"Don't push Betty, you can push all you want later." Veronica helps Betty get up

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