Chp17- No scowls this time

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Jungkook POV~

The next day Jin Hyung and Namjoon Hyung came over with Kuhi's stuff and hangover soup for her. When he came over, kuhi was still sleeping. But when she did wake up, I showered her with as much love as possible. After I heard her last night, I was so heartbroken and mad at myself for making her feel that way. I guess me carrying her downstairs was not what she was expecting, first thing in the morning but what can I say? 

So today is the day.....the day I was gonna propose to kuhi. But I needed her to be out of the house for some time to do that and so that the other guys (except Jin hyung) could come over and help me. So I had asked Jin-hyung to take kuhi to the mall and stall her there. I would text him when everything was ready and they could come home. When they were just at the door and about to leave, I stopped kuhi and told her,

"Hey, I love you ok. Never, EVER forget that" And I kissed her head. She made a confused face, then it changed to shook and scared one.

"Wait...ARE U GONNA DIE OR SOMETHING??!!! DO U HAVE SOME DISEASE U DIDNT TELL ME ABOUT AND U ARE GONNA DIE???!!! O MY GOODNESS NOO!!" She screamed, looking at me frantically for an answer. I chuckled.

"No u dummy!!! Can't I tell u how much I love u, love u love u," I replied, booping her nose with mine. She sighed in relief and nodded and pecked my lips.

" Come on, we aren't getting any younger here," Jin-hyung whined.

"Oh please!! I saw that seductive look u gave Namjoon right now, so shut up!" Kuhi backfired. Jin- hyung turned bright red and quickly went out the door. Namjoon-hyung chuckled. 

"Well, Bye-Bye!" I said waving, she smiled that smile I absolutely adore and waved back. She then opened the door and left. Once we saw both of them drive away, I turned to namjoon-hyung.

"Ok let's get ready,"

Kuhi POV~

You ever get that nagging feeling that something is gonna happen today? Well, I'm having that feeling right now and I don't know if the thing gonna happen is good or bad. I'm hoping it'll be good.

I'm on my way to the mall with Jin right now because...because? Well, he insisted and I had nothing to do today so I agreed. I don't really know why he wanted to go to the mall. So I asked him.

"Hey, why exactly are we going to the mall?" 

"Well, I wanted to get some stuff and I thought we could go to the small food festival which was being celebrated there," He said, not taking his eyes off the road. I perked up at the mention food festival.

"Ooh, a food festival! Why didn't you say so first," I said. He laughed and we continued to the mall. Once we got there and parked the car, we saw the huge stalls and caravans set up there. And the smell...Oooh, don't even get me started about the smells. It was almost like I could taste the food by just sniffing the air. Many people were there enjoying the delicacies. Some stalls seemed to have foreign food too. 

Just as I was about to wander off in the crowd guided by a muscadine smell, Jin pulled me back.

"You wanna get lost or something? Come on, we'll grab a quick bite and then go in," He said, holding my hand.

"I'm not a kid, I won't get lost," I huffed. 

"Mhm, sure u won't and then Jungkook won't kill me too," Jin replied sarcastically. I just pouted and left it there. 

So we grabbed a burrito each and went inside the mall. There were a few dessert stands set up there too but we went on the elevator and went to the first floor. 

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