Chapter 4

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Okay, it wasn't an aphrodisiac for sure. It wasn't a chemical reaction. It wasn't a biological malfunction. So what was left?

Two days later, Taylor stood hunched over the microscope, dressed once again in only her undershirt and panties. The heat was sweltering.

She had finally convinced Ivan and Mike to give her the samples she needed to run the tests. Blood, sweat, semen and skin tests showed several variances, though. Almost—she searched for a way of describing it—a time-share. As though, their bodies were suddenly caught in a switch or relay. Normal responses were being interrupted and priority being given to the sexual. She was attracted to both men, had known it all along, though it was Ivan she had been falling in love with.

There were two men and she was the sole woman. Two potential baby-makers and her hormones were ready to mate. Somehow, the planet itself was making a way to ensure population. It had created a perfect paradise and now seemed to throb with the need to see it filled with life. Now, Taylor has to figure out exactly how this planet was doing this to them.

It had to have something to do with the unidentified chemical she had found within the plants, air and water system. It was acting as the switch to trigger that aggressive sexuality of the guys and the submissive desires and sexual fantasies of her.

She was a woman. She was born with her own fantasies to mate, to fit the male. She had been created to submit to him sexually, in every way. Her body was reinforcing the basic principles upon which she knew women had lived under since recorded history.

As men, both Ivan and Mike understood the call to mate. Understood there was only one of her, two of them. Ivan, as their leader, was beginning to feel possessiveness and ownership. Mike, no less dominant but more than aware of Ivan's leadership, would take a less dominant role, but no less sexual. It's a time-share. And they eventually would share, she knew if rescue didn't come soon.

Standing, she paced to the end of the tent, feeling the crawling, pervasive need that had sent her masturbating several days before. She was aware now that the two men had known of her efforts to relieve herself. As though in agreement that if they couldn't fill her body nothing would, they no longer left her alone in camp.

After the episode in the shuttle the day before, the two men had also seemed to come to an almost unspoken decision. They were both needed to ensure their survival. There could be no battle to claim her. They weren't animals. But Taylor was starting to feel like little else. Her body was clamoring for release, her pussy sticky with need and throbbing in arousal.

"Ivan said to rest when it gets this hot." Mike was suddenly behind her, watching with hot, hungry eyes. "You should go into the shuttle where it's cooler."

"I still have a lot of work to do." She shook her head and careful to stay behind the low shelves that she hoped shielded the fact that she no longer wore her pants.

"Ivan's orders" He stepped around the shelf before coming to an abrupt stop.

Taylor trembled. She kept her back turned to him, terrified to face him. He was the weaker of the two men. She knew he wouldn't deny what he wanted if she acted willing.

"Damn, you're pretty," he sighed as he moved closer.

"Mike. Ivan won't like you being in here like this." She fought to keep her voice from trembling.

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