Forgotten Memories; extras

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-Aero POV-
I walk into the mask room and there stood Virus with Ryker helping him design that new invention for suits that keep us from freezing when Virus's side resurrects Frost. The last thing we need is blood of the phoenix and I happened to have randomly grabbed him from across the street...
"Anything from our new prisoner or is he human like the last one?" Virus asks
"Feel for yourself," I say, unwillingly holding out my hands. I have to keep up my act otherwise I'll be put back into my cell. Virus goes over to me and touches my hands which were no longer ice cold from forcing me to touch the permafrost room door.
"So is it a coincidence that you have actually found the phoenix...?" Virus asks
"I'm not sure but I am sure that you now trust me as a hunter and you won't put me back into that stupid glass box again
"We won't need you after we resurrect Winter so you can just go back into your cell after we kill the phoenix," Virus says
"You don't have to kill him!! Theres other ways to get blood!!" I exclaim, breaking character
"Excuse me?!" Virus exclaims
"If you kill him, you won't be able to get more blood to refuel the suits when they run out!!" I say, trying to get back into character
"That is a smart idea but we can't stop the inevitable. Once the phoenix unfreezes Winter, he will die and we have no choice but to quickly take his blood," Virus says. I look down at my feet. My dragon's feet that were covered by these binding boots. I hate them, they feel scratchy and cold.
"I understand, I won't bother you anymore," I say, walking out. I feel my sharp talons scratch the edges of the binding boots. I itch the gloves that made it so that my dragon hands seemed like human hands. Everything that covered up my dragon parts were itchy. I just wanted to take them off. This shirt feels so tight around my back and my mask band hurts my head where my horns were supposed to be. I hate these dragon binds. Why does Karma get to show his true self while I wear the binds? I can't wait to be rid of this stupid outfit. Stupid demon calling all the shots. Demons and dragons have been enemies ever since the beginning of Time himself. It makes sense he made me put the binds on because if I showed my dragon while hunting, I'd surely be caught and put into a zoo for people to watch me. Either that or I'd be experimented on to see if I can be human or turn anyone else into a half dragon when I was born half dragon. Stupid humans... no wonder Virus wants to freeze them all...

I itch my back and I hear the fabric rip. My back got heavier as I felt the soft feathers of my wings touch my arms. I look into a nearby mirror and there they were. My beautiful, ginormous quad wings that were grey and lavender. They were stunningly beautiful as always. I bring the smaller ones in front of me so that I can feel the silky feathers once more. They were like petting a fluffy bunny. It felt good to finally be free of my wing binds, I felt like I was about to suffocate. My claws had also torn through the gloves which is how I ripped open the wing binds. It felt good to be myself. I kicked off my shoes and let my talons stretch. I couldn't enjoy this luxury for long, I have to get into the spare binds before I get caught by the phoenix. He was super cute and he seemed human. I don't think he knows hes the last phoenix alive. I'm going to have to ask him the next time we talk. I quickly go to my room which was a room filled with pictures of the deceased prisoners, all of them dying by my hands.
"At least they're in a better place now," I whisper to myself, trying not to pull my hair out because of all the deaths I've caused. I change into the spare binds which were weaker and less scratchy than my current binds but at least it's less suspicious than having ripped binds.

742 words

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