F.A.C.E: Hi to kōri pt 2

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aro ded
tomy fite virus
aro body go bye-bye
mysterious person
ink ball

"Looking for someone?" says a woman. We look to see who it was and it was someone that looked exactly like Aero but with inky hair that went into a long braid, ink-black scales, ink-black spider legs, an ink-black doll dress, dark purple button eye, and is very creepy looking
"Inkra?!" Virus exclaims
"Three lives, dude," this Inkra person says
"Doesn't matter, that means Tommy can kill you three times over!!" Virus says, starting to attack Inkra
"I won't let you hurt her!!" I yell, trying to prevent Virus from going near Inkra
"I don't have to, I'll only let you do it yourself," Virus chuckles. I start getting furious at Virus but I can't go out of control or else I'll kill her again...

"Pandora! Freeze his head!! I'll try to melt the ice!!" I yell
"On it!!" Pandora yells back, throwing balls of ice at Virus. I shoot fire out of my hands and at the ice balls, melting them into water. Quackity stands next to the water balls and grabs them. Quackity then combined the water balls into a bigger water ball. Quackity launches the huge water ball at Virus. Virus barely dodges it but the water splashed onto Virus. Virus tried to block the water but the water already got onto the mask
"GAH!!" Virus says as the mask starts to short circuit.

"YES!!" I exclaim, grabbing the crown and stepping away from Virus.
"I'll... I'll get you ne... next time!!" Virus threatens, trying to run away.
"Dylan...?" Ace asks, going up to Virus
"Dylan is... Dylan is gone!! He'll never come back!!" Virus says
"Dylan isn't gone, you're just holding him hostage!!" Ace yells, grabbing Virus's shoulders.
"Let go of me!!" Virus exclaims
"Not until I get my foster brother back," Ace says.
"For Aero!!" I yell, raising my ax. I jump towards Virus and grab the strap of the mask that was tangled into Dylan's hair
"LET GO OF ME!!!" Virus yells
"No!!" I yell, holding my ax under the strap
"You give us Dylan back or else I'm cutting you off!!" I threaten
"You wouldn't dare!" Virus exclaims
"I would," I say, sawing at the strap
"STOP THAT!! IT HURTS!!" Virus yells
"Give us Dylan back," Ace says, grabbing onto Dylan's shirt and bringing Virus closer to Ace's face
"Never," Virus says. I continue to saw at the strap, it was halfway broken
"OW!! Quit it you child!!" Virus exclaims
"Give us Dylan back..." Ace says
"No!!" Virus refused
"Spray him," Ace says. Pandora gives Quackity a ball of ice and I melt the ice. Quackity shoots some water at Virus, short-circuiting him more.
"AAHH!!" Virus screams
"Give us Dylan back or we'll spray you again," Ace says
"You can do your worst but I'll never give in," Virus says
"Move," Inkra says, pushing Ace aside. Inkra shoots an ink ball at Dylan's feet, causing an ink web to trap Dylan right where he is.
"We can do our worst," Inkra says, smacking Virus with an ink ball
"Just cut Virus off, Dylan is in a cryosleep until Virus is gone," Inkra says. I nod and continue sawing at the strap
"STOP IT!!" Virus yells. The strap finally breaks and Inkra removes the mask from Dylan
"You're coming with me," Inkra says to the mask
"You don't scare me," Virus says
"Fine, let's go then," Inkra says, spidering away. There was a moment of awkward silence.
"So, Tommy, would you like to learn more about fire magic?" Ace asks


"PLEASE DON'T DROP ME!! HOW DID WE EVEN GET UP HERE?!" Virus yells as I hold it over the edge of the top of a skyscraper.
"I won't let you go if you give us Dylan," I say, swinging Virus around. It screams, begging me not to drop it.
"Fine, I'll just drop you," I say, almost dropping it but catching it before it can get out of my reach. It screams in terror, crying out for me to stop torturing it
"Give Dylan back," I say
"Ok!! Fine!! I'll give him back... just put me back on his face and I'll return his consciousness..." Virus says
"You can't trick me," I say
"I promise!!" Virus exclaims
"If you break your promise, I'll break you," I say, crawling my way down the side of the building.

We arrive where Tommy and the others are. I go up to Dylan with the virus.
"It said that it was gonna bring Dylan back," I say
"You sure we can trust it?" Tommy asks
"It made a promise and I said that if it broke its promise, I break it," I say.
"Why waste your time with that when you can just break it right now?" I hear Original say. The twins come out from behind the tree with their arms crossed.
"You don't have the heart to break Virus without it letting go of Dylan," Rachel says
"We wouldn't hesitate if we were you," Original says
"Who says I was hesitating?" I ask
"Just break it then, why are you waiting for Virus to give Dylan's mind back when you can do it right now..." Rachel says. I look around at the others, they were already armed and ready to fight the twins.
"Why should we trust you...?" I ask
"Because we have Winter..." Original says. I look at the town and one of the tall buildings was slowly icing over.
"You didn't..." I say
"Well we only left his body by that building and put him where you'll never find him so there's that," Rachel says
"So we suggest that you put Virus back where it belongs and we won't freeze over the entire town," Original says
"I won't join you, no matter how many times you kill me..." I say
"Then goodbye, Halo," Rachel says
"Goodbye world..." Original says
"Hello, corruption..."


I kept this a secret for a while. I've been secretly working on F.A.C.E. and dropping hints while working on it. I wanted to keep it secret because why the fluff not. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it... It was super short, I'm terribly sorry TwT

see ya in the next one

1057 words

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