F.A.C.E: The Plan

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We arrived at the house that belonged to the man and Lucy. They had a huge mansion for they were the richest humans in this town. Her father went back to work as soon as we went in. We learned more about Lucy as she showed us around. I put my hands in my skirt pockets and feel the cold crown brush my left hand and soft flower petals with my right hand. I felt scared, so I took my right hand out, but I liked the cold feel of the gold on my crown. There was an interesting thing about me, I can talk to all living beings despite them not having a mouth or voice to talk. Flowers were always dramatic, especially the ones in my pocket. The poppies would try to manipulate me into doing the most devilish things that I would never do. I had stopped listening to them the day after Tommy arrived because they had tried to convince me to kill him when they knew I would never hurt anyone in any way. Just thinking about them makes me worried that they'll try to get into my head again...
"Hey, you ok?" I hear Tommy ask. I snap out of my daymare and look at him
"Yeah, I'm fine," I lie, smiling
"You don't seem ok," Tommy says, looking really worried for me
"You don't have to worry about me, I'm fine," I smile. We continue the tour in silence with worry building up in the room.

Lucy concludes the tour in a library. She runs off to find her father while we look through many of the books.
"So far, we know we can splash them with water but I don't know anyone who can use water magic," I say

"Quack!!" Quackity exclaims
"You can't use water, you're a duck. All you can do is quack, swim fast, and fly with your duck wings," Ryker says
"No, he can use water as long as there's water nearby," I say
"But he has to be in the water to make more water," I continue
"Do you know anyone that has water magic?" Ace asks Tommy
"No, I didn't know anyone outside of the base," Tommy says
"There's White Wolf but he creates snow," Ace says, flipping through a book about water magic
"Didn't you have a half-sibling? Gabrial was their name?" I ask
"Yes, but they study in air magic. Besides, they're nowhere to be found. They've gone off the grid ever since we joined," Ace explains
"Why don't we know anyone who does water magic..." Ryker mutters to himself
"We can still try White Wolf since we now have the phoenix on our side," I say
"Yeah, he can make snow and I can melt it!! Then Big Q can make more water to short circuit their masks!!" Tommy exclaims
"We only have so much time until they find us again," Ace says
"You guys destroyed your masks, right?" I ask
"Quack!!" Quackity says, trying to pull off his F.A.C.E.
"Well shoot, we forgot," Ryker says, taking off his mask
"Ace," I say, looking at the fur bag
"Mine was destroyed by Karma!!" Ace exclaims
"Well now we don't have much time, Lucy and her father are now targeted since they now know our location," I say
"Why?" Tommy asks
"There's a tracker in our masks in case anyone tries to escape!!" I exclaim, helping Quackity pry his mask off his face. 
"Ow!!" Quackity exclaims as soon as his mask comes off

"I hope they didn't pinpoint this location before we destroy the masks," I say, throwing Quackity's mask to the ground and stomping on it. Ryker smashes his mask as well, making sure there's no trace of the tracker left

"Let's go, we can't stay here for long," I say
"What about Lucy and her father?" Tommy asks
"Yeah, what if the others did pinpoint the location?" Ace asks
"They'll be ok, I'll just give Lucy a charm so that no harm comes upon the household. Hopefully, she keeps it..." I say, digging into my pockets for something to enchant. Nothing other than the crown and the flowers.
"Does anyone have anything?" I ask. Everyone digs into their pockets but don't find anything
"Well, this is bad... I really need to find something to enchant so that I can give it to her..." I say. As if on cue, Lucy skips into the room
"Hello, princess!!" Lucy exclaims
"Hi, kid. Listen, do you have anything you keep at all times?" I ask
"Why?" Lucy asks
"I'm just curious and I would like to see!!" I exclaim
"I have my sister!!" Lucy says, holding up a doll. I take a look at it 
"This will do," I say, enchanting the doll with the protection spell
"Make sure your sister doesn't leave the house until we come back ok?" I ask
"Why can't she leave? Where are you going?" Lucy asks
"She can't leave because she will be protecting you and your father for as long as you live. We can't tell you where we would go otherwise we will be in trouble," I explain
"I can handle myself!!" Lucy exclaims
"We have to go now but can you please go back to doing what you always do? For us?" I ask
"Okie!!" Lucy exclaims, smiling
"We have to go now, we can't stay for long. We promise we'll be back," I say, in hope that I can see Lucy again
"Okie!!" Lucy exclaims, skipping out of the room. I wait for the coast to be clear and gather up the smashed pieces of the masks
"Let's go, in a month from now, she won't remember us..." I say, walking out. The four boys follow me as we exit the mansion, neither of us looking back

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