Chapter 2 - Ghosts

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Tubbo sneaked near the three and meeped.

"Phil! It's the thing I wanted to show you!"

"What is that?!"

Tubbo was a white fox. And he went up to Wilbur and nudged him, bounding away into the dark.

Wilbur followed, with Phil chasing after him with Techno.

Tubbo led Wilbur back down into the basement and then disappeared.

"Basement? What's in here then-"


"What was that?" Wilbur bumped into a wall and turned a lantern on.

"Lantern!" He grabbed it and looked around.

The basement was decently clean with some boxes and different other stuff like armor.

The armor was iron, and there were only three armor stands and each held something on the helmets.


A broken crown lay on top of a helmet on one armor.

A flower, still as new lay on the middle one.

And a headphone lay on the third one.

A picture hung over the armor looked at three people fighting. One wore the Crown, the other had an iron helmet and the third was near a log wearing those headphones.

"A picture?..."

"Wil! Are you down there!?"

"Yeah, come down!"

Phil and Techno walked down to see Wilbur's lantern aimed at three stands, each holding the respective person's possession.

"That picture looks familiar. What is this place?"

"A storage I'm guessing?"

"Yeah maybe."

"Wait is that a broken crown!? Who would do this?"

Techno grabbed the broken crown and then a cold air drafted through the basement.

"Wha!" Eret looked shocked as he was pulled.

"Eret!" Ranboo held onto Eret,

Tommy and Tubbo were staring at them before looking at each other and both disappeared.


"The sound!" Wilbur screamed.

A white wolf stepped out from behind the boxes with the fox behind it.

"Uh, Techno?"

"Yeah? I'm examining this crown, who would do this? Crowns are expensive!"


"Yeah- I'm here.."

The wolf then pounced onto Techno, grabbing the crown and then getting the flower and bounded away, disappearing. The fox went after it with the headphones.

"Why did it take that crown? I need to see it!"

Techno ran out trying to find it.

Phil looked at Wilbur and stared at what he was looking at.

"You- we need to find Techno Wilbur, leave it."

Wilbur nodded and left the basement to find Techno.

Philza looked back to see another lantern lit. It was dim so he didn't bother, he would come back to see it again, but instead he ran after Wilbur.

Nocturnal Daylight | A SBI Ghost AU(discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now