Chapter 1

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"Get off of me."

Optimus grunted as he was thrown off to the side, though his sensors barely registered the impact. Slowly, after his systems had rebooted, he began to regain feeling in his limbs. His optics were next, his vision only taking a moment to clear up.

"What happened..?" He mumbled as he lifted his head.

"That blasted inventor of yours somehow managed to create a portal that sucked both of us into it." Megatron growled softly, looming over the Prime with a scowl. "Now we're thousands of miles away, stuck in a barren wasteland. Good job."

"How is that my fault?" Optimus huffed, pushing himself to his pedes.

Looking around, he realized that Megatron was right. There was practically nothing as far as the eye could see. He had absolutely no clue where they were. Were they even still on Cybertron?

"The one time his invention actually works, it does this." He muttered while shaking his head.

Megatron scoffed. "Are all of your Autobots just free to do as they please without any sort of supervision?"

"I've been irresponsible, I know, but that's not the problem right now." Optimus scanned the horizon, trying to see if there was a landmark or something that would give them an idea of where they were. "We need to figure out where that portal sent us."

"You're a lunatic if you think I'm going to work with you."

"You don't have much of a choice. Unless you feel like wasting your energy reserves wandering around, I suggest you stick with me."

"Looking out for me again?" Megatron sneered, though Optimus was ignoring him. "And here I thought you wanted to destroy me the first chance you got."

Optimus narrowed his optics and huffed. "Isn't that your thing?"

"Careful, Prime. I can still kill you. Right here, right now."

"Do it, then. I know you won't."

"Why you conniving little—" Megatron snarled, throwing a punch at the Prime.

He grunted in surprise as he was intercepted and abruptly shoved against a pile of debris. Optimus held him firmly by the shoulders, his blue optics growing ice cold within seconds.

"Listen to me." Optimus seethed in a dangerously serious voice, one that was unfamiliar to Megatron. "I am not going to spend my time arguing with you. I only offered for you to stay with me because, despite all the things you've done to me, I still care. If you don't think I'm worth it anymore, you can find your own way back." He shoved Megatron away with a scoff and stalked off.

Megatron stared in slight disbelief. Never had Optimus shown frustration like that, especially in his presence. It convinced him that the Prime was entirely serious and that he needed to do something to fix the issue.

He sighed, slowly pushing himself to his pedes. As he approached Optimus, he maintained a calm composure, which was strange for someone of his nature. Especially now, since he was supposed to be fighting the mech in front of him.

Megatron reached out and gently took Optimus by the chin, turning his head so he could look at him. Optimus surprisingly did not resist, allowing Megatron to perform the act without a fuss.

"Optimus." Megatron spoke softly, his voice smooth. He looked into Optimus's optics and could see the pain that resonated behind that mask of false stoicism. A horrible ache awakened within his spark. He'd been trying to rid himself of it for eons with no success and now, as he stood so close to Optimus that their helms nearly touched, it burned even worse. "It was never my intention to cause you pain."

Optimus frowned, and Megatron knew he didn't believe him.

"I lost my way, and I'm ashamed to even think I could be something I'm not." He continued, his tone growing heavy with emotion. He averted his gaze for a moment, Optimus's firm stare getting the best of him. The Prime was angry with him, he knew that. "I abandoned you when you needed me most. Thoughts of you plague me every waking hour. All the times I've hurt you, pushed you away, treated you like nothing... I just.. I am sorry, Optimus.. I've been a fool..." His voice had dropped to a pained whisper. He pulled his hand away from Optimus, lowering his head in shame.

Optimus felt a twinge of pain in his own spark. Their bond that had been dormant for so long had opened up, and Megatron's raw emotions were now coursing through the connection like a river.

Hesitantly, he raised his arm and gently cupped Megatron's cheek with his hand. "I forgive you." He murmured, touching his forehelm to Megatron's.

"I do not deserve your forgiveness." Megatron muttered.

"You do, and I won't allow you to think otherwise." Optimus asserted without a second thought.

Megatron sighed, unable to keep the small smile on his face from spreading. When Optimus was set on something, there was no changing his mind. It was one of the many things he loved about him.

"Never change, Optimus. Stay who you are." He rumbled softly, wishing he could live in this moment for eternity.

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