Chapter 3

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A/N: So I originally started writing this fic with the G1 designs in mind for Megs and OP, but now I'm aiming more towards the WFC Netflix series designs (minus Megatron's weird-ass lips). That being said, Megs turns into a badass tank instead of a gun lol.

Optimus and Megatron were a mess of tangled limbs when they awoke from recharge the next morning. Megatron felt a familiar heat beginning to rise in his core and growled softly, starting to try and free himself from the trap he'd been unintentionally caught in. Optimus tried to do the same, but wasn't having much luck.

"Now move your leg. No— your other leg." The Prime huffed. A yelp of pain escaped him when Megatron accidentally kneed him in the crotch.

"Oh, for Primus' sake. If you weren't so clingy, we wouldn't be in this mess." Megatron grumbled, wincing when he had to bend his leg at a strange angle in order to free it.

Optimus rolled his optics. "Why do you always blame me for things that are out of my control?"

After a few uncomfortable minutes, they finally managed to untangle themselves. A slip in concentration on Optimus's part allowed Megatron to briefly feel his emotions. He could sense annoyance, embarrassment, and... lust? Optimus usually kept his side of the bond closely guarded, so this lapse was almost uncharacteristic of him. It made Megatron realize that Optimus must've also felt his lingering feeling of lust and he quickly sealed off his side of the bond before anything else slipped through.

A pang of guilt pierced Megatron's spark as Optimus looked over at him, then looked away with a somber dullness to his optics. He'd knowingly shut off his end of the bond, but it had been out of instinct. Or rather, something he didn't want to admit—fear.

Fear that he'd be hurt again.

Fear that he'd hurt Optimus again.

"We should get moving." Optimus finally broke the silence that had held the room for several minutes. He retrieved the datapad and stored it in his subspace as he rose to his pedes.

Megatron watched him, then pushed himself up with a soft sigh. He rolled his shoulders a few times to work out the stiffness in his joints, simultaneously running diagnostics on his systems to make sure everything was working as efficiently as possible.

"What's the plan?" He asked as Optimus headed for the doorway.

"I don't know."

Megatron paused in the doorway while Optimus continued forward. "So we're just going to wander around until we find something else?" He questioned with a scowl. "We were lucky to find that datapad you're holding, and it's no use to us!"

Optimus suddenly spun around, optics narrowed.

"Do you have a better idea?" He growled, his tone sharp. "Because if you do, I'd love to hear it."

Before Megatron could reply, however, Optimus turned back around and kept walking.

Megatron's dermas twitched and he curled one servo into a fist. The urge to get violent and add to the flame of the argument was strong, but he managed to extinguish that spark inside of him before it got him in trouble. Remember why you're doing this.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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