Horrible Life

40 12 1

You threw the things on the floor,
You cried and screamed,
You fell on the ground,
With tears pooling down your face.

Why did your life,
Have to be so frustrating?
Why was your life,
Even worth living anyway?

You gripped your hair,
And threw the glasses on the wall,
You took up the blade,
And started to cut your wrist.

To say your life was hell,
Would be an understatement,
Your life had no words,
To describe how bad it was.

You wanted to put yourself,
Out of this misery,
But you didn't want to give up,
Cause you believed your life could change.

But it was only getting worst,
From bullying to abusing,
From abusing to rape,
And you couldn't do anything about it.

You just sat there,
With your tear-stained face,
As your horrible life,
Took the worst turns.

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