We All Belong

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Slaves of the universe,
Here to fulfill something,
Every one of us being nothing,
What could we possibly achieve?

Some created out of the blue,
Some of us say we're a mistake,
Some who were wanted,
Some who were never needed.

Crazy as life is,
Love is all we really needed,
We never really got it,
Just sat in a bath of tears.

Leave me be, and go away,
I don't belong, but you do,
Admired by society,
And was given all it's gifts.

We all belong, status out the window,
All deserving respect and encouragement,
Love and adoration,
Admiration and Inspiration.

Throw away society,
It doesn't exist right here,
Why do they even care?
Let's not let their opinions near our hearts.

Let it stay six feet deep,
Bury it even deeper,
Let's not be their pets,
Let's not be their property.

Let's bet their lives aren't better,
Crust and road gravel all around,
They aren't worth more than you,
Remember that, okay?

We are bosses,
Kings and Queens without crowns,
Cause no materials are needed,
To deserve a little feeling of belonging.

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