Blue and Grey pt.2

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All around me I sense the feeling,
Blue colours my mind,
As grey shades my heart.

It kills me just to know,
That this is now my new world,
That I'll have to get used to.

I don't usually adapt to new feelings well,
But as the blue and grey washes me,
I seem to welcome it with open arms.

Like it was my long lost home,
Where I could go and lay down,
And finally take a rest.

But little did I know,
It was destroying me piece by piece,
Pulling me further in.

When the time came for me to let go,
I couldn't find a way to,
The blue and grey had already locked me in.

Now it is my home,
My safe place,
It's even in my dreams.

I cry for help, but no one hears,
I'm broken in front of them,
But they don't notice one thing.

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