Part 3

30 1 5

Alex's POV

I was now waiting at the benches for Devyn. Just then she appeared, skating towards me and doing a few tricks on her way. They were so cool.

"Hi" She said, flashing me a smile.

"Hey" I replied with a smile as well.

We sat and talked for a few and surprisingly got along pretty well. We both had told each other a few facts about ourselves and shared some memories. The conversation didn't get boring one bit. It was as if she knew how to keep it going, something that I couldn't do. Deep down inside I was kind of scared for some reason though. She literally saved me at school which made me look like some scary softie that couldn't stick up for herself. Ugh I hate myself sometimes.

"Alex?" She asked, trying to gain my attention.

"Oh I'm sorry, what'd you say?" I awkwardly answered.

"I was just saying how I practically hated my family" She laughed. Her laugh was so adorable- no.

"I- why?" I asked.

"For starters my family is homophobic asf. My dad is literally cheating on my mom with her "best friend" aka his co-worker and she acts like she doesn't know when they're literally so obvious. My mom blames me for all the "negative energy" around the house because I'm bisexual. She says if I was normal, the devil wouldn't be here. Oh and my sister is so spoiled and acts like a brat sometimes. Whenever her boyfriend is around she acts all sweet and innocent though. She literally told her entire friend group one of my secrets that I TRUSTED her with. My little brother is annoying at times but he's my favorite. The only people I trust are Alayna and Levi" She ranted.

"Oh wow- I'm sorry about that. Not to be rude but your mom and sister lowkey sucks" I mumbled.

She nodded in agreement. "How about you?"

"Well my family is fine I guess. My mom used to be a lesbian so when I came out, she accepted me pretty quickly. My dad accepts me as well. Both of siblings are annoying too, but we all love each other very much. They're younger than me though. My parents have a good relationship that I know of. My dad and I do argue a little but he's just strict and protective. Other than that everything's fine" I shrugged.

"Damn. Must be nice. Sometimes I just wanna run away and never come back, but I can't because I'll have to leave the people who actually care about me" She sighed.

I could see her start getting emotional about the topic so I decided to change it.

"Hey let's not get all sad and stuff right now. How about you teach me how to skate or something?" I asked with a smile.

She smiled back and agreed. We each grabbed our boards and she started teaching me how everything goes.
2 hours later

Now we were laid across the ground looking at the stars. Learning how to skate was really fun besides the falling and stuff. I wasn't very good, but now I know how to control myself.

"Hey Alex, I think I'm gonna go. I have to go check up on Levi" Devyn said and quickly got up.

"Is everything ok?" I asked, getting up as well.

"Yeah definitely. It's just that he has some..private issues and he's not answering his phone. I just have to check on him really quick. I'll see you tomorrow hopefully" She explained.

"Oh that's fine" I responded. We hugged each other and parted ways. I catch feelings very very fast. And I think I just caught feelings with Devyn.
Devyn's POV

I rushed to Levi's house as fast I can. I tried messaging him multiple times but he hadn't answered. Alayna called him a few times and he didn't answer that either. His mom has been beating on him for a couple of years now and it breaks my heart seeing one of my friends go through that. I insist to do something about it but when we call the cops, they do don't anything. I love Levi very much. I've been knowing him for years now, way before I met Alayna. If something ever happens to him, I swear I'll never be the same again.

I finally reached his house and went to his window. I climbed up a tree and sat on its branch carefully. Knocking on the window lightly, I waited for him to open it.
After a few minutes, the curtains swung open and revealed a red and puffy eyed Levi. He had to have been crying. He had a few bruises on his face and some on his back. I signaled him to let me in and he did so.

"What the fuck are you okay?" I asked him quietly.

"Yes I'm fine and don't worry no ones here" He sniffled. I dragged him to the bathroom and took out some cotton and alcohol.

"Dev I'm fine I sw-

"Levi stop. You're not fine and it's okay to admit that. I'm your best friend so don't lie, please" I said quickly.

He sighed and nodded lightly. "Fine I'm not ok"

I put a little bit of alcohol on the cotton and dabbed it on his wounds. He hissed in pain a few times but we managed to get it done. I rubbed some ointment on some and bandaged him up carefully.

Once I was done I looked into his eyes and wiped his tears. "You have to go somewhere else. I know you love your mom but the longer you stay the more she'll beat you"

"I know but I can't. I have nowhere to go"

"I can sneak you in my room or something. My parents trust you and they barely come in my room if they do say no" I told him.

"Okay but you don't have to.." said Levi, lowly.

I lifted up his chin and made him look me in the eyes.

"You're right. But I want to" I smiled.

Before I could even do anything, his lips pressed onto mines. It continued for a few seconds until we both realized what we were doing and pulled away.

"Oh fuck-"

"I'm sorry- I didn't mean to" He stuttered.

"No its..fine" I somewhat chuckled.

It was kind of awkward so I put everything away.

"I'll see you tomorrow, ok? Please let me know if you've made a decision" I reminded him.

"Yeah yeah sure" He replied.

Just to mess around with him, I gave him a kiss on the cheek and climbed out the window.

What have I just done...


oop- well to sum everything up, levi has been having a crush on devyn for a while now, especially since she's single. i wonder what will happen next? read to find out. <3

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