Chapter 1 - Experiment

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In this world, people can be a animal, a creature, or just a human. There are many strict rules for every single breed, like having to live with certain animals, taking pills daily, having to have a bodyguard by your side, sometimes only certain animals can have jobs while others will be taken to the military or serving for someone. But the number one rule for everyone is, you can only date or marry the same breed or a different breed with a human.

Everyone was having their normal day lives, except for one person, you see, there are many wonderful and cool animals and creatures people can be. But demons are a whole different story, they are super rare and mostly only 4 four demons were spotted and reported every since researchers started to record data.

One day, someone reported an eerie noise coming from a nearby famous forest park. So when cops came to the scene, they found the source of where the noise was coming from.

It was a small baby demon that seemed to be only 1 month old, they looked around to see if they could find the parents or any tracks to lead them to who had left the baby. But nothing turned up, so they took the baby demon back to the police station to see if the baby has any hair or anything that was from the parents, but nothing also. Due to the cops not having any DNA from demons and not having any reports of demons in the city, they had no lead. So one of the cops took care of the little baby, she was a sweet kind woman that makes anyone smile.

She took care of the baby for a week, due to her being a sheep, she was able to keep the baby warm for the cold weather s that came. So when she came back with the baby the next week, she was forced to give up the baby to scientists so they could study it. It took almost all day when they took the baby away from her, the baby also started to cry due to him seeing the woman as his mother. The woman was the Captain of the police station, the woman has a younger daughter named Puffy.

Due to him being taken away from the woman that was taken care of for two weeks was being held back. Something snapped in him, the baby's head started to twitch and their eyes started to turn red. The baby started to attack the scientist and ran back to the women and daughter between their legs if he was a dog. Everyone was in shock why the baby attacked like this, babies his age will just not do nothing and will just scratch people but barely did any damage.

This action made the woman that was taken care of him in the first place, to keep on taking care of until the age of 7 years old.

So that what happened, the woman took care of him and her daughter together, the woman gave the nickname Bad to him, while her daughter gave the name Halo to him due to his kind personality. So they named him BadBoyHalo, which the part Boy was added to because he wanted to be included, but his short nickname was Bad.

Bad and Puffy will play together almost all the time, but Puffy needed to go to school most of the time. Bad question why he can't go to school, which the kind woman told him he wasn't' old enough yet, but the truth was that he was strict to go to any school. So Bad will spend his time reading books, reading articles and videos so he can learn like Puffy, but Bad prefers calling her sister.

Bad had somewhat of a high IQ, for a kid his age, 5 years old, he was already in a 6th grade level. He will help his "sister" with her homework and they will be able to play much sooner.

So when his 7th birthday day came, he was told he was going away, Bad, due to his high IQ, understood the situation and hugged his adopted mother and his step-sister. Even though they weren't able to adopt him, they loved each other like a family, Puffy gave Bad a picture of them so he can remember them. With that, Bad left behind the people he loved, and going with the people he will hate.

-------Age: 17-------

-*Darryl's POV*-

'I have been in this building for 10 years, even though they gave me delicious food, it doesn't make up for the actions towards me. They will beat me up until I snap, as much as I can remember, I was treated like this ever since I walked in here. I just want to see Puffy and my mother' , my thoughts were interrupted by a man in a white coat with black suit under it. He was the director of my research, I was adapted to the name Experiment #1004, I keep an note that Puffy gave him which said:

'Don't forget about us, don't forget about your name, don't forget who you are, Darryl'

That was the name that was written on paper so I never did, I have vivid memories of Puffy and the woman that took care of him. I have once tried to see them again but was not allowed to, I felt so isolated and barely felt any emotion.

With the time I spent here, I have shown things demons can do, but it was only a few things I have shown to them. I had shown how my wings work and how they were kinda like a blanket to him due to the warm heat it has within them. I can change my eye color when my emotions are too much for me, I can do stuff with my tail like holding a cup, hanging upside down, able to pick up heavy stuff. But those were just a few, I had been hiding other things I was able to do, since I was planning to break out of this building.

I am able to shapeshift, change my size, turn to pure darkness, able to do some back magic, and more, but I haven't discovered all of my abilities yet. But I do know one thing, tonight will be the night I am going to escape.

I am no longer going to be a experiment


OOOooooo new story, anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter, I have been thinking for a while of making this story but now I feel more confident.

I hope you enjoy this chapter, have a wonderful day/afternoon/evening/night. And I will see you in the next chapter <3

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