Chapter 6

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We walk towards the cafe and at this point it was already getting pretty late. It was a bit breezy and cold outside in Boston tonight. Trevor and I never really talked about my youtube career but he treated me like a normal person which was different but i liked it.

"You know what you want from the cafe" He says as we are a few blocks away

"Not yet, it's been a few days since i've gone tho. Maggie's moving out of the apartment soon so i'm going to be alone for a bit unless I find a roommate" I say

"I'll come keep you company while your alone at night" he said with a smirk

"Very funny Zegras but keep on dreaming" i reply back

We walk into the cafe and we ordered right away because it was just a small little place with a few seats. I get a small vegans sandwich and he gets a BLT. We sit down at a bar like table that looks out towards the city, while we wait for our food. I gaze out towards the large towers snd all the lights.

"You really like Boston huh?" He says

"It's home to me" I say

"I've always like Boston, I grew up in New York but for hockey we would come to Mass a lot" he says

"Growing up here was great I just can't see myself leaving, my whole career was based on like what I do in Boston and I grew up with that" I say

"I heard about you before I came to Boston" he says

"Really?" I say surprised

"Yeah one of the boys on the USNTDP team mentioned you and I followed ur instagram, then I asked Max about you because he talked about you and Gretchen one time" He says

I was surprised, I had assumed he heard about me from Max.

"Aww Zegras was one of my fans" I say jokingly

"Shut up" he says while trying not to blush

We get our food and we eat and continue to talk a little. It reached a point where it was almost 9 pm and the cafe was about to close soon so we decided it was best to get going.

"You live close to the dorms or I can get a uber?" He says as we walk outside.

"Don't worry my building is 2 blocks away from yours" I say with a little laugh

"You live in the apartment building over there huh?" he points in the direction my binding is in

"yeah i do so it's convent for getting to class" I reply

"and my dorm" he says with an wink

I just laugh at him

"Here let's start walking, i'll walk you back to your apartment, It's late for you to be walking alone" He says as he starts walking

I nod and follow next to him. He puts is arm around my shoulder as he sees i'm a little cold. His 6'0 ft figure was the perfect hight for me. Everything he would do gave me a feeling of butterflies. We walked for about 5 minutes and we reached the bottom of my apartment building

"You can come in and meet Maggie briefly if you want. I know it's late so it's fine if you don't want too" i say to him

"why not" he says

We walking up onto the elevator and down the hall towards my apartment. I get my key out and then walk into my apartment

"Maggie come here" I yell to her

Trevor looks around our apartment and scans around it.

"what's up?" Maggie say as she walks into the kitchen "oh i see you brought someone" she says with a smirk

Trevor let's out a little laugh

"Mags this is Trevor, i'm assuming you know him" i say

"yes i know of him" she says while saying hi to him

"so this was who was keeping you out late tonight" Maggie said smirking

"We went out to the little cafe by the dorms" Trevor says

"oh i love that place, that's so cute" Maggie says with enthusiasm

"I heard about your game, i'm sorry it was a close one tho. I heard you scored though" she says

"Yeah it was definitely a tough one but we'll get em next time" he says

"well it was nice meeting you Trevor but i'm gonna go back to my room. Em im watching the bachelor if you want to watch in a few" she asks

"yeah i'll be there in a few" I say

Maggie walks out of the room and back into her room

"thank you zegras from walking me home, it was very sweet of you" I say while fixing his tux that he was still in from earlier.

"didn't want you walking home alone" He says smiling down at me

"i'll see you soon?" I say

"of course" he says with smirk

"snapchat me when you get back to your dorm" I say with a smile as he's walking for the door

"don't worry i will" he says as he's walking out the door. "Goodnight Emma"

"Goodnight Trev" I say

The door shut behind him and I couldn't help myself from smiling. I took off my shoes and did my skin care. I heard my phone buzz and I saw it was from Trevor. I opened the snap and it was a photo of him and his roommate and it said "i'm back at my dorm". I smiled as I was looking at my phone. I replied with a photo of me smiling. I finished my skin care and night routine and then layed in my bed on my phone. I was snap chatting Trevor back and forth. I got a text from Gretchen saying her and Max's get together was going to be in a few days so I was excited for that. I was hoping Trevor was going but i got scared to ask. It was getting super late so I snapped Trevor a photo of me saying goodnight to him and he responded saying goodnight back. I put my phone down and slowly began to fall asleep.

Boston U and Zegras | Emma Macdonald & Trevor ZegrasWhere stories live. Discover now