A Fat Cow

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This oneshot contains female weight gain

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This oneshot contains female weight gain.

Megan's POV
It's not a secret that I am a pretty big girl, it's not something I'm trying to hide either. I've never been skinny, but right now, I'm fatter than ever, I used to worry about what others would think of me, but at the end of the day does it really matters?
     I was trying some of my 'old' clothes, most of the clothes that used to fit a couple months ago don't cover my gut anymore, I was proud of this is a weird sense, while I was trying to fit into something my phone emitted it's usual ding because of a notification, it was a message of my best friend, Mae.
-Mae: "Wazzzup"
-Megan: "Hey"
-Mae: "Are you up to something? Cuz it's weekend and I thought about going somewhere together"
-Megan: "What do you have in mind? Because I'm kind of in a bit of a problem right now"
-Mae: "What problem"
-Megan: "All of my clothes got lost"
I lied to avoid telling her about my weight gain
-Mae: "How?"
-Megan "I forgot them somewhere else"
-Mae: "Ok, whatever, I can just go to your house with a pizza or smth"
-Megan: "That would be lovely, but don't expect me to wear anything fancy"
-Mae: "With your size, I would be surprised if you wore a potato sack"
     The chat kept going for a couple more minutes, Mae agreed to come to my house to hang out, the place is a mess, but I'm sure Mae is not the kind of person to be bothered by that.
     A couple minutes later you hear your doorbell, I wasn't expecting her to arrive so soon...
-Megan: "On my way!"
I yelled while trying to put on something decent
I opened the door to receive her, when I opened the door her face was being covered by boxes of pizza piled up in her arms.
-Mae: "Hello there"
She said while stepping inside and placing the pizzas on the living room table
-Megan: "You arrived quite soon"
I said while walking up to her
-Mae: "Wow...you've gotten big"
She said while looking at my belly
I really didn't knew it was this obvious, the last time we saw each other in person was two weeks ago, how big could I've gotten in two weeks? I took a look at the clothes I was wearing and noticed how much my belly was bulging out.
-Megan: "Hehe...you know me"
I laughed nervously
-Mae: "Yeah, I was already expecting a bigger Megan when I came"
She jokingly said
-Megan: "It's just a bit of winter weight, I'll start exercising and I'll lose it in no time"
I lied in an attempt to change the topic
-Mae: "Whatever you say, but today I'm won't be that day, since I just bought four boxes of pizza and other junk"
She showed me with pride all the food she brought
-Megan: "This is way too much!"
I said nervously while looking at all the food
-Mae: "Meg, I know you, your mouth is already watering, don't be modest"
She said while opening a box of pizza
     Me and Mae started eating the pizza, I was eating at a higher pace, but she wasn't exactly taking tiny princess bites, eventually, the first box went empty.
-Megan: "We sure ate like wolfs"
I jokingly said
-Mae: "Yeah, you are not full, are you?"
She said in a kind of challenging tone
-Megan: "You know how I am, I can maybe still fit a bit more, but I want to be able to go through a door"
I said jokingly and kind of embarrassed at the same time
     As I kept eating I started feeling fuller and fuller, my belly began riding over my shirt, but I honestly didn't cared, I was getting a chance to eat as much as I could and I wasn't going to turn it down, Mae isn't the kind to judge anyways. After a couple of minutes the second pizza box was gone too...
-Megan: "I think we underestimated how hungry we were"
I chuckled while placing the empty box at the side
-Mae: "Umm...Meg, I only ate one piece"
She said in a mocking manner
After that realization, I couldn't help but feel embarrassed, I took a look at my belly, it was huge (not like it was ever small), my gut was completely exposed, my shirt was way too small to cover it at this point, it wasn't until now that I realized how full I was starting to feel...
-Megan: "It's just that...I didn't had breakfast this morning"
I tried to hide my belly as best as I could
-Mae: "You literally posted your breakfast on Instagram a couple hours ago"
-Megan: "Alright, I was just hungry, geez, why are you a judge all of sudden?"
I said in a defensive manner
-Mae: "I'm not judging you, I was just saying, afterall, I brought all of this food for a reason, big girl"
She said in a kind of flirting manner while inching closer to me
     I was a little confused at the time, but I was starting to get a handle on why Mae was bringing me all of this food, maybe she wanted to see me fatter afterall. A little embarrassed, I began eating the pizza..
-Megan: "Do we have anything else but pizza? It's good but I already ate like one box and a half"
I laughed nervously
-Mae: "I imagined you would eventually get tired of the pizza"
She pulled out a box with a dozen of donuts
-Megan: "W-Wow, that's a lot"
I said a bit surprised
I took a look at the donuts before pushing one inside my mouth, right as I began chewing I felt something wrap around my belly, when I looked down I saw Mae hugging my bloated belly, taking a closer look at it, I realized how huge I was, I looked like I had swallowed an entire person...
-Mae: "Look at this fat thing, it's huge!"
She said in a kind of excited tone while hugging my gut
This was the point where I finally realized Mae true intentions, she was into me, looking back at it, it was pretty obvious.
-Megan: "D-Do you like it?"
I tried to sound flirty, but all it came out was nervous stuttering
-Mae: "Took you long enough to figure it out"
She said in a more serious tone while looking at me directly into the eyes
-Megan: "I had my suspicions"
I pushed another donut through my lips
-Mae: "There's no way you got this huge by accident!"
She exclaimed in a surprised manner
-Megan: "It wasn't easy, you know how much you have to eat to get a body like mine?"
I asked with a prideful tone
-Mae: "I can imagine"
She said, still rubbing my belly with both of her arms
     I was feeling really full, and the size of my gut was the prove of it, but Mae rubbing my belly made me feel more motivated, so I kept eating, Mae seemed to like it afterall.
     The afternoon went like that, 3 boxes of pizza, 2 dozens of donuts and 2 liters of ice cream, all inside of my bloated belly.
-Megan: "Oof...I might need to take a break, I feel like I'm fit to burst"
I rubbed my belly
-Mae: "You are such a fat cow"
She said in a flirty manner while still hugging my gut
-Megan: "Urp...yep, that's me"
I stated in a exhausted manner
-Mae: "I can't help but wonder...how much do you weight?"
She stopped rubbing my belly and looked at me
-Megan: "Something like...135 kilograms"
I slapped my gut lightly
-Mae: "No, but, like, right now, how much do you weight right now? You just ate like an entire person's weight in pizza and donuts"
She got up and looked at me
-Megan: "Now that you mention it, I'm kind of curious too, I have a scale in the bathroom"
I extended my arm asking for help to get up
With Mae's help I got up, my belly sloshed loudly because of the sudden movement, we walked slowly to the bathroom, Mae ogled my belly all the way there, one we arrived, I couldn't help but look at myself in the mirror...
-Megan: "Geez, I'm huge!"
I looked at myself in the full body mirror
-Mae: "That's what I told you, fatass"
She slapped my belly
-Mae: "You are going to need to get a bigger mirror soon"
She said in a flirty manner
We walked to the scale an I stepped on top of it, after a couple of seconds the scale showed a number.
-Mae: "No way!"
She exclaimed in surprise
-Megan: "What? What does it says, I cant see"
I tried to suck my belly in to be able to take a look at the scale
-Mae: "150 kilograms, you cow!"
She looked at me in surprise
-Megan: "Did I seriously ate 15 kilograms in food?!"
I asked in a surprised manner while looking at my belly
-Mae: "You wish, I'm sure some of that is permanent weight, fatass"
She grabbed a handful of my fat
-Megan: "I should go buy new clothes before I outgrow these ones even more"
I thought out loud in a more serious tone
-Mae: "If they even make clothes that can cover your fat gut anymore"
She mocked me while laughing
-Megan: "Ugh...I don't have the energies to worry about that right now, I need to go to my bed"
I waddled outside the bathroom, exhausted
     Once I laid down in my bed I began feeling my belly with my hands, I couldn't believe it was so big, if anyone saw me, they would think I'm a fat cow. Mae walked into the room holding the last box of pizza.
-Mae: "Do you have any more room in there?"
She placed the box besides me
-Megan: "You have to be kidding me"
     Fast forward one week after this. I weighted 160 kilograms, actions like going to the store were becoming more exhausting, but I didn't had to worry about that, since Mae was staying with me, she was making sure I was 'well fed', my belly was full pretty much all day, I honestly had no idea where she was getting all this food from, but she kept telling me to not worry about it, and I didn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2021 ⏰

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