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Image || Geran De Klerk on UnSplash

《 her 》

Maeya stuck tabs of blue tack onto each corner of the printed cardboard sign, holding it earnestly she rounded the aisles of the store in search of the perfect place to put it. Her store was often successful, being a local business meant people had a soft spot for her. She was going to have a sale for the national holiday and moving all the books on the promotional shelf would be her main priority for the afternoon.

There had been many instances when Maeya had thought to sell the business, but she wasn't sure what she would do without it. She loved to read, she loved collecting, and she was quite fond of her life in the city. She didn't have to live there, but she just as well spent a lot of time there. On the other hand, what Tessa had said the other night was eating away at her.

Was it a good idea to spend all this time alone?

Was it just luck that nothing had gone amiss until now?

How long could she keep it up? She wasn't even doing anything to improve her life.

Maeya attached tags by genre on each shelf and chose around thirty books to display for each one. She deliberated whether she should organise them by colour or alphabetical order. It was then that the doorbell rung and Tessa sauntered through the swinging door. She was dressed quite elegantly for a weekday afternoon, so Maeya asked her if she was off to a date.

Tessa smirked, "Well, hello to you too."

They caught up, Tessa helping her stock the shelves and take boxes of books back to storage. Finally, they leant on the counter and laughed about how unfit they'd become. "Come out with me tonight, I know you're not working."

Maeya thought briefly of it, "I have nothing else to do." She shrugged. Tessa seemed elated.

"I'm still wondering why you're dressed like that." It was a blue fabric dress with a collar, that stopped just under the knees and had buttons all the way up. She had tied it with a matching belt and she wore kitten heels in a pearl colour.

Tessa shrugged, "I'm willing wealth into my life. Just dressing the part."

Maeya nodded. She couldn't imagine putting in such an effort just to walk down the street, but Tessa was a dramatic person. They spoke for a while longer before Tessa headed for the door, she turned back with one foot out, "I'll meet you at the Pavilion around five." And off she went.

Maeya finished the day much easier with Tessa's help, when it was time to close she loaded her car with the boxes of books that were no longer in demand.


It was luck that Maeya had come across a dazzling mini dress a couple of months ago whilst running errands. It had looked eye-catching on the mannequin and she was a standard dress size so she bought it without trying it on. Now looking at herself in it, it did just as described. Maeya was satisfied with how she looked, so she added a little sparkle to her lid, some false lashes and lip balm. Black stilettos in hand, she grabbed her small handbag and slid into her car. Tessa was waiting for her at the club, she had gone early because apparently that was how truly wealthy men did it. They came in before the tide, just after business hours.

Somehow, Maeya believed it. Although, she knew neither of them could be sure.

As she drove, Maeya pondered over Tessa's sudden determination to secure a wealthy man. Dressing as such, behaving as such, and making every known effort to attain such. Tessa's certainty was admirable, it was something Maeya wasn't sure she'd ever have. Tessa was resolute.

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