My own version of hell

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I was really hesitant to put this out there because it describes one of my deepest fears in such a strange way. I didn't know if people would get it😅.

If only I could free myself from this burden, cut my soul from the body, chaining me to this earth. Forget about the things that tether me to this life and let go.

Let go and sink further into my mind, forgetting all thoughts. The only thing I can see is the endless void of black behind my forever closed eyes.

My chest doesn't rise or fall, my lungs deprived of oxygen. I wait expectantly for the feeling of my lungs squeezing, but it never arrives.

I open my eyes and expect to be floating in darkness, but instead, I see colors. Blues, pinks, oranges, and any color you could imagine splatter the room.

I stare out, unable to form words to describe this insane explosion of color. I feel as if all of this is a dream, turning to face the other wall, staring at it in disarray.

Just like the other walls, it is also covered in colors. On top of the colors are black words, written in my wobbly handwriting.

Three words, an incomplete sentence. Three words that have me backing up in horror until I hit the other wall. Three seemingly innocent words, but for me, they are so much more.

Three words that bring my breath back and snatch it away again like it's a fucking game. Three words that will haunt me, even in this sickly bright afterlife.

Three words. 

To be alone.

Written in Pretty LettersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora