If Only

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If only I could feel what you feel, dig under my skin to find the answers you are pleased with.

If only I could know your definition of perfect, strive to be what you desire me to be.

If only I could reach you, stand on the same field as you, and be looked at as equal.

If only I could see you, trace the lines of you today, and you yesterday.

If only I could hear you, voice sweet like honey as you guide me towards your sword.

If only I could fear you, the sugar you coat over your coffee bean soul thinning.

If only you could show me your storm.

If only I could show you my calm.

If only you could not fear me, the sour sprinkled over me dissipating to reveal sweetness.

If only you could hear me, voice sharp like rocks as I guide you to shore.

If only you could see me, create the lines of me today, and me yesterday.

If only you could reach me, climb down your latter to give me a hand.

If only you could know my definition of perfect, you.

If only you could feel what I feel, protect your skin to find the answers I am pleased with.

If only we could change.   

Written in Pretty LettersWhere stories live. Discover now