Hospital :(

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Continue Camila's pov
"Dinah I can feel a pulse but it's week"
"Right okay we will be there soon I'm gonna call and ambulance now"
"Okay bye"
I was silently crying to myself until I felt someone touch my shoulder
"Excuse me miss please can you move"
"What's wrong with him"
"Well it looks like he has had a panic attack but it is a serious one we need to take him to hospital and monitor him over night"
"I think it is best if you stay here because we don't know what might happen we need to run a few tests so it best if you stay here"
"Okay can we see him in the morning"
"Yes you can"
"Thanks doc"
"No problem my daughter is a fan"
"Aww what's your daughter called"
"Aww that's cute"
"You can FaceTime her"
Convo with Ellie
"Awww sweetie don't cry we just want to say hi"
"Well we have to go because your daddy is taking my boyfriend to the hospital"
"Okay well it's nice talking to you girls"
"And you"
We hung up from our conversation with Ellie
"Okay we are going to be taking to Vancouver state hospital it is about a 10 minute drive from here"
" bye"
"Mila what happened to him" Lauren asked
" He was walking through the corridor and he just fainted right infront of me and he didn't wake up so I called you"
"He will be okay"
"I think he might need a break from the tour and social media"
"I think so to but I wanna be with him"
"Well you can take a break if you want"
"No I can't do that"
"Mila he's your boyfriend for Gods sake"
"I know it's just I don't know what about if he needs full help like trying to get dressed and the usual things he normally does"
"I don't know but what I know is that we have got a show tonight and we need to get ready"
We were getting ready for the show
"Hey girls can we change one of the cover songs"
"Em yes sure what to "
"Thousand years by Christiana perri"
"Yes sure we can fit who's park goes with who"
We have just finished the song for thousand years and we were about to go on stage we were just in before american boys so we can tell them about Jake.
We sang all our songs but one. a thousand years .
"The girls motion me to talk to the crowd"
"Hey guys how you doing tonight"
crowd started screaming
"Are you having a good night"
Crowd erupted with roars
"Well if you guys don't know jake was rushed into the hospital a couple of hours ago from a panic attack so be ist going to be here today we do t know what's going on but we will keep you all updated. so this next song I dedicate to jake because he sang this with the girls in our first and when he asked me out so I recall this as our song. I love you jake"
We sang a thousand years and I was crying
"Thank you Vancouver"
" I hope you enjoy the rest of the show"
We walk of the stage and I automatically call the hospital to see about jake
"Hello and welcome to Vancouver hospital how can I help"
"Well I was wondering if you can tell me anything about jake Brooke Hernandez"
"Yes he is stable but he has anxiety and depression so you will have to keep an eye on him"
"When is he aloud to come back home"
"Well he can come home now"
"Okay that's great news we will be there in abit"
"Okay take care"
"Thank you and I will"
And with that me and the girls drive of to the hospital

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