Their Styles

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Kali ni Yuyun x ltak 'muka' character.. Cuma style pakaian diorang je..

Muka dorang tu para reader imagine sndiri eh 😛

Muka dorang tu para reader imagine sndiri eh 😛

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(Without the tattoo)
Ashley Bertillon (22)

Trystan Maigness (51)- Sorceress- Owner Magic Tower

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Trystan Maigness (51)
- Sorceress
- Owner Magic Tower

Lillian Maigness (19)-Healer-Trystan's adopted daughter(p/s = tau tak sape chara sebenar ni?)

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Lillian Maigness (19)
-Trystan's adopted daughter
(p/s = tau tak sape chara sebenar ni?)

Lillian Maigness (19)-Healer-Trystan's adopted daughter(p/s = tau tak sape chara sebenar ni?)

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Davean Astra (30)
-Hero separuh masa
-Owner Astra's Inn's

Scarlet Aslan (17)- Isekai'ed' (lololol)-muka dia ni selalu kosong je

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Scarlet Aslan (17)
- Isekai'ed' (lololol)
-muka dia ni selalu kosong je


Gambaran kota di Villon dalam negara Sevalon

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Gambaran kota di Villon dalam negara Sevalon

Some cute fact:
-Reynard actually means fox
-Aslan does means lion.


-More chara akan datang
-diorang punya personality readers boleh judge sendiri

Cerita ni xkan berpusing sekitar Main Character je..  🙃

Yuyun akan include side character jugak tapi sikit lah. Mostly main chara.


How's the story so far? Is it fun, or not, or 'not bad' 🤔

All comments are accepted don't worry

Pandangan dari readers adalah berharga 😉


Lots of 💓 dari Yuyun ke para Readers 😘

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