Nique and King visit the family of Janet

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The Jacksons - walking inside of Katie and Michael Jai White's new house and was sitting comfortable on the sofas
Katie and Michael Jai White's doorbell was ringing
Katie - getting off of her and Michael Jai White's sofa and was opening her and Michael Jai White's front door
Nique and King and Kaiser - walking inside of Katie and Michael Jai White's new house
Katie - locking her and Michael Jai White's front door
Nique - walking to Katie and Michael Jai White's living room and was sitting comfortable down on Katie and Michael Jai White's floor
Normani and Carol and Evelyn and Enid and Paula and Hazel and Mariah - joining Nique on Katie and Michael Jai White's floor and was smiling a whole lot
King - still holding baby kaiser and was walking to Kaite and Michael Jai White's living room
Nique - tells the ladies we should do a prank on them ladies and be mad at the guys
Normani - tells Nique you ladies should be doing the prank nique and me and Carol are gonna be acting like we don't know even them at all
Nique - tells Normani ok normani
Normani - this Nique alright nique
Nique - tells Normani ok normani let's go ahead and be doing those pranks
Normani - tells Nique ok nique
With Normani and Carol pranking the boys
Jackie and Michael and Marlon and Tito and Jermaine and Randy - seeing Normani and Carol looking away from them
Normani and Carol - ignoring the boys all-day
Jackie and Michael and Marlon and Tito and Jermaine and Randy - asking Normani and Carol did we do something wrong to you to normani and carol
Normani and Carol - tells Jackie and Michael and Marlon and Tito and Jermaine and Randy we don't even know you boys at all back up from us
Jackie - tells sexybae yes you do know me sexy and you know that you be loving me and loving my dick and a whole lot of our babies and newborn baby daughter and grandbabies and a lot of puppies and we be lovely dovely and romantic to each other
Normani - tells Jackie no i don't even know you i only know my favorite cuz and a whole lot of my babies and newborn baby daughter and grandbabies and a lot of puppies and my besties
Jackie and Randy and Jermaine and Tito and Marlon and Michael - walking away from Normani and Carol
Normani and Carol - bursting out laughing
Jackie and Marlon - walking to sexybae and Carol and was seeing them bursting out laughing
Normani - tells a whole lot of the fans on YouTube and TikTok we got them really good they was falling for it
Jackie - tells sexybae wait sexy you guys was only pranking us
Normani - tells Jackie yep hubby we was pranking you guys
Jackie - tells sexybae that was a really good prank sexy don't you ever prank me like that again or i be getting you pregnant with a whole lot more of our babies
Normani - tells Jackie ok hubby i won't ever be pranking you again like that
Jackie - tells sexybae ok sexy
Nique - walking with the camera and was telling everyone we are going to be trying the seafood boil everyone so let's go be doing it right now
Normani - tells Nique ok nique let's go be trying the seafood boil and be eating it
Nique and King and the Jacksons - sitting comfortable at a big table and was trying the seafood boil
Evelyn - asking Tito what are you guys eating tito and i want to be trying some
Normani - tells Evelyn we are eating the seafood boil that Nique and King got here and evelyn you can be trying some of my seafood boil
Evelyn - walking to Normani and was sitting comfortable with her and was telling Jackie i think i'm going to be stealing your sexybae tonight jackie and letting her be sleeping comfortably with me
Jackie - tells Evelyn no can do evelyn and you got to be asking Tito if you can be letting my sexybae sleeping comfortably with you tonight
Evelyn - asking Tito if Normani can be sleeping comfortably with her tonight tito
Normani - tells Evelyn i'm not sleeping comfortably with you evelyn tonight and there's only one person that i always be sleeping comfortably nakedstyle with
Evelyn - asking Normani who do you be sleeping comfortably nakedstyle with normani and i want to be knowing
Normani - tells Evelyn i always be sleeping comfortably nakedstyle with my hubby evelyn
Evelyn - tells Normani ok normani
Later on that night
Tito and Jackie - walking inside of the bedroom where their ladies are in
Evelyn - snuggling Normani
Normani - tells Evelyn i think Tito and Jackie are looking at us evelyn and can you please stop snuggling me and Jackie doesn't snuggles me not like that with what you are doing and i can't be in the same bedroom sleeping comfortably with you and i need to be in the same bedroom as my hubby sleeping comfortably nakedstyle with him in our bed
Jackie - dragging sexybae out of the bedroom that she was sleeping comfortably with Evelyn in and was dragging her to their house

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