the wiz

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Quincy Jones - wanting a whole lot of the Jacksons members to be in the wiz and was wanting Normani to be Jackie's sexybae in the movie and was wanting Siggy and Brandi and Adrianna and Jaylen and River and Nalani and Jarett and Angelicia and Angelina and Charlotte and newborn baby daughter Jazlyn to be in the movie and since Jackie is playing the older crow that's still happily married to the girl scarecrow
In the movie
the girl scarecrow - walking to the crows spot and was standing with the boy scarecrow and was getting on the thing where the boy scarecrow is standing on
the crows - arrives at where the scarecrows are standing and waiting at
the older crow - seeing sexybae
the girl scarecrow - standing with the boy scarecrow
the boy scarecrow - pulling the girl scarecrow that's closer to him
the girl scarecrow - walking away from the boy scarecrow and was walking all the way home to her and the older crow's house
the older crow - tells the rest of the crows she's walking away from us and she doesn't even like us at all and but why did she walk over to us
the girl scarecrow - walking back closer to the boy scarecrow dressed in the scarecrow colors and was standing with the boy scarecrow and was being really nicely to him
the older crow - seeing sexybae dressed as a girl scarecrow and was seeing her standing with the boy scarecrow
the boy scarecrow - standing with his sister and was being really nicely to her
the girl scarecrow - standing with her brother which is the boy scarecrow
the older crow - seeing sexybae standing with the boy scarecrow and was not liking it at all and was jealous a whole lot at them standing with each other
Dorothy - walking with her dog to the 2 scarecrows and was standing with them and was shoeing the crows away
the older crow - seeing a human standing with sexybae and the boy scarecrow
the girl scarecrow - seeing a human with standing her and her brother
Dorothy - seeing the older crow looking at the girl scarecrow that's standing with the boy scarecrow and was asking the girl scarecrow is the older crow your hubby and i want to be knowing
the girl scarecrow - tells the human girl that was asking her yep the older crow is my hubby and the boy scarecrow is my brother and we are family
Dorothy - tells the girl scarecrow let's go and be finding somewhere else and i want to able to be getting back home to a family reunion it's like for thanksgiving and some people got a newborn baby with each other
the girl scarecrow - tells Dorothy well we have to go be helping the boy scarecrow down which he's my brother and then we can be going and helping you find your way back home to your city and finding the wiz and the mean old lion and the tin man to come along with us
the older crow - pulling sexybae with him away from Dorothy and was not liking the human girl that was standing with them
the girl scarecrow - walking to Dorothy and her brother and was standing with them
the older crow - walking to sexybae and was standing with her
Dorothy - asking the older crow and the girl scarecrow and the boy scarecrow where do you guys live at and i want to be knowing and i want to be seeing where you guys live at
the girl scarecrow and the older crow - tells Dorothy we can't even tell you at all you have to find out from the scarecrow boy and the other scarecrow girl and the other crow
the boy scarecrow - tells Dorothy my sister and her hubby live in a mansion that's closer to where i live and you can be hearing really loudly moaning coming from the older crow
the girl scarecrow - walking away from the older crow to her brother and Dorothy
the older crow - walking to sexybae and was dragging her home with him
At the girl scarecrow and the older crow's house
the girl scarecrow - walking inside of her and the older crow's house
the older crow - walking inside of his and the girl's scarecrow house
12 little scarecrows - walking to the backyard
the girl scarecrow - almost walking to the backyard
the older crow - pulling sexybae back inside of their house
the girl scarecrow - walking upstairs
the older crow - following sexybae upstairs to their bedroom
Inside of the girl's scarecrow and the older crow's bedroom
the girl scarecrow - walking inside of her and the older crow's bedroom
the older crow - following sexybae inside of their bedroom
the girl scarecrow - looking away from the older crow and was moonwalking away from the older crow out of their bedroom
the older crow - following sexybae out of their bedroom
The boy scarecrow - tells Dorothy and this is where my sister and the older crow lives
Dorothy - tells the boy scarecrow really it's so huge for them to be living inside of their house
The girl scarecrow - seeing Dorothy and toto and her brother and was saying what are you guys doing here
The older crow - wants to be knowing what Dorothy and her dog and the boy scarecrow are doing at his and sexybae's house

Normani and Jackie love storyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz