the Jacksons on Arsenio hall

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Arsenio hall - tells a whole lot of the Fans please welcome the Jacksons all the way from Gary Indiana and Brownsville Tennessee and Detroit Michigan
The Jacksons - walking on the Arsenio hall tv show and was sitting comfortable in chairs
Normani - sitting comfortable with Jackie and Tito
Mariah - sitting comfortable with Marlon and Jermaine and Randy
Arsenio hall - smiling a whole lot and was saying wow i can't believe it your all here and how are you guys doing since you guys live in Las Vegas Nevada and London and Atlanta
Normani - tells Arsenio hall me and mariah are doing really good and thanks for asking that question oh and happy birthday Arsenio and hopefully you will have a great birthday
Mariah - tells Arsenio hall i have to be agreeing with what mani was saying about that yeah and happy birthday and hopefully you will have a great birthday Arsenio
Jackie - tells sexybae i think he was meaning all of us sexy and not you to and happy birthday Arsenio
Normani - tells Jackie oh ok hubby i didn't even know all of that i already know all about that
Jackie - tells sexybae oh ok sexy i was reminding you and i don't want you to forget and since you know he was going to be asking us some questions that we got to be answering
Arsenio hall - smiling a whole lot and was saying i was reading a whole lot of the stories that Marlon and Michael would be doing splits and not be giving up the money that they was making and they was making Jermaine and Jackie do the splits to when the Jackson 7 was at Motown records and was almost making Normani and Mariah do the splits while Mariah was pregnant and Normani was letting Siggy be with her all the time since Siggy was a newborn baby and Latoya would have to be watching Adrianna since she was a toddler and not a newborn baby and she would be making messes with toys and playing with makeup like for instance wait did she play with Latoya's makeup
Marlon - tells Arsenio hall where was you hearing that from arsenio and yeah she would be playing with Latoya's makeup and getting into trouble by latoya and not by normani and jackie
Arsenio hall - tells the Jacksons i was hearing it on the internet and you know i was also reading Michael's book that he wrote about everyone and he would be mentioning Normani and Hazel hanging out and relaxing with him
The Jacksons - tells Arsenio hall oh ok arsenio we didn't even know all about that
Arsenio hall - tells the Jacksons when you guys was growing up did Michael always used to be spying on you boys dates without your ladies and be keeping them away from you boys and not be giving them back to you guys until the next morning after the dates
Jermaine - tells Marlon tell the truth marlon and he wants to be knowing the truth
Marlon - tells Arsenio hall well Jermaine always used to be telling me and Michael y'all need to be acting like you guys are sleeping comfortably with our ladies and babies when we was little children aresnio and we would be listening to him and Michael would always be stealing Normani and Siggy and Adrianna away from Jackie and Taj and Taryll and Tj and Paula away from Tito and Mariah away from Jermaine and Carol away from me and Michael would always be hanging out and relaxing and having parties with our ladies and our babies and he would be bringing our ladies and babies back to us the third morning and he would be making us have alone time with a whole lot of our fans and you would be seeing Jackie and Tito and me pouting a whole lot wanting our ladies back and we always be asking Michael if we can be having our ladies back with us and hopefully we can be having alone time with them and he would be like it's up to your ladies decision i would be getting Carol and Jackie would be getting his sexybae back except for their babies
Arsenio Hall - asking the Jacksons who's the ladies man in the family and i remember when Michael and Normani and Hazel came on my tv show in 1987 and was presenting an Award to Eddie Murphy for the best comedian and Eddie gave awards to Michael and Normani and Hazel for the best music video and for being in i just can't stop loving you with mike and being a model
Tito - tells Arsenio hall well Jackie used to be the Ladies man and i guess he's the ladies man in his and Normani's house
Somebody in the audience - saying Jermaine's now the ladies man and not Jackie anymore and since jackie is the ladies man in his and his sexybae's house
Courtney - looking at the person that was blurting it out
Mariah - saying somebody was just saying Jackie or Jermaine and i didn't even hear it at all i think they was talking about Randy and Tito and not Jermaine and nor Jackie
Normani - tells Arsenio hall somebody was saying Jermaine's the ladies man and not Randy and Tito and nor my hubby and Courtney was looking at the person that was blurting it out and was glaring at the person that was blurting it out
Arsenio hall - asking the Jacksons who are the woman in their family and we all want to be knowing
Some of the random boys - saying Normani and Mariah are the women in their family
Arsenio hall - tells a whole lot of the fans i have to be agreeing with you guys was saying Normani and Mariah are the woman in their family
Normani and Mariah - smiling a whole lot since you know that they are the woman in their family
Jackie - pouting a whole lot at some of the random boys saying sexybae is the woman out of their family and was about to say she's the sexy lady in my and her family
Arsenio hall - tells the Jacksons can we please be getting some acapella going like songs like abc and i'll be there and dancing machine
Jackie - singing ABC acapella version
Marlon and Jermaine and Normani and Tito and Mariah and Randy - joining Jackie in singing the ABC acapella version
Arsenio Hall - asking who still lives in Las Vegas Nevada and i want to be knowing and how did the Vegas situation came up
Tito - tells Arsenio hall Normani and Jackie still live in Las Vegas Nevada and Normani and Jackie loves Las Vegas Nevada
Normani - tells Arsenio hall we are going to be playing at the Hollywood rock and roll casino you guys got to come be seeing us performing and seeing me and mariah jumping and moonwalk and singing and dancing with each other while on the stage
Tito - tells Arsenio Hall we are going to be recording in the Las Vegas Nevada studio
Arsenio hall - tells the Jacksons i will be there and you want to be knowing what i was flashbacking on
The Jacksons - asking Arsenio hall what was you flashbacking on we want to know
Arsenio hall - tells the Jacksons dancing machine when Tito was saying he's a dancing machine and when Michael was doing the robot dance on the Cher tv show in 1975 and then doing the robot dance on the Destiny tour in 1978 and then at his 30th anniversary celebration in 2001
Jermaine - singing dancing machine Acapella
The Jacksons - singing with Jermaine in dancing machine Acapella
Arsenio hall - tells a whole lot of the fans the Jacksons will be back after this quick commercial to be performing can you feel it
The Jacksons - walking backstage and was waiting passionately until the commercial over to go be performing can you feel it
Normani - fixing her chocker that's on her neck and was putting her glove on her left hand
Mariah - fixing her necklace that's on her neck and was putting her glove on her right hand
Jackie - walking to sexybae and was wanting her really badly
Normani - seeing Jackie wanting her really badly and was smirking a whole lot
Jackie - smirking a lot and was walking to sexybae and was kissing her neck and sweet spot
Normani - looking away from Jackie and was talking with mariah
The Person that works on the Arsenio Hall tv show tells the Jacksons the commercial about to be over in 1 2 3
The Jacksons - walking to some microphones
Tito - holding his guitar
Normani - standing with Jermaine and Marlon and Randy
Mariah - standing with Jackie and Tito
Jermaine - standing with Normani and Marlon and Randy
Jackie - standing with Mariah and Tito and was wanting to be standing with sexybae and Jermaine and not standing with Mariah and Tito
Jermaine - seeing Jackie wanting to be standing with his sexybae and him and was telling Normani i think Jackie wants to be standing with us for now on mani what do you think
Normani - tells Jermaine sure jermaine my hubby can be standing with us for now on i don't really mind at all
Jackie - standing with sexybae and Jermaine
Marlon - standing with Mariah and Tito

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