Part 2 - MAHIRA😡😡

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Thank you to those who voted and commented on my first chapter.🤩🤩

(Kavin and Mahira are already dating.)

...Kavin started talking about Mahira.
Kavin: Hey Dushyant how do I look.
Dushyant: okay but why (asking suspiciously) 🤔🤔
Kavin: Last night Mahira asked me if I would take her out on a date after college. That's why I want to look good.
Dushyant: Kavin if she truly likes you then it doesn't matter what you wear, but like always I'm going tell you again that Mahira isn't good for you. She like the total opposite of you, her personality is totally different.
Kavin: I know her personality is different but people change. She just needs time to understand the importance.... (Dushyant interupted)
Dushyant: the importance of what money. Kavin you have been dating her for about 3 weeks now has she changed even a little bit, NO!! she still asks you for money eventhough she's brings her own and you take her on a date like everyday because she's asked you to.
Kavin: I understand your standing out for me but Dushyant I truly love her.
Dushyant: okay fine but do you remember when we first started colledge and we were trying to make freinds and you wanted to make friends with her but what was her answer....

Kavin: Dushyant I can't believe today's are first day of colledge.
Dushyant: I know and why are you so excited, we don't even know anyone here.
Kavin: to get used to this college, we have to make friends Dushyant. (But whilst they were entering the inside Kavin saw a girl he instantly felt attracted to her for some reason so he decided to make friends with her.) He talled Duhsyant
Kavin: Dushyant I saw a girl and felt weird interaction with her so I decided to make friends with her first.
Dushyant: (as he never new her) okay.

Kavin went upto her and talled him he was new and wanted to make friends with her. He forwarded his hand but she replied

Girl: No
Her friends: come on Mahira he asking you nicely.
Mahira: No means no and I don't make friends with people like you. Then she just walked away with her friend.
Dushyant: forget it Kavin.
Kavin: Hmmmm.

Flashback over

Dushyant: she was so rude to you.
Kavin: but then she became friends with me later on and also apologised for her rude behaviour.
Dushyant: she only apologised because she found out you were from a rich family. Even Purvi her closes friend thinks so.
Kavin: where does Purvi come in all of this.
Dushyant: Purvi knows her way better than both of us. You've been dating her for 3 weeks but Purvi knows her for 3 years and I heard she hasn't changed one bit.

Kavin doesn't know what to do he also starts getting a vibe that Duhsyant is right about Mahira but he's confused about his feelings.

Dushyant: Please Kavin just atleast think about what I said. Your happy because she's happy but from the inside are you actually happy being with her. I'm not going to stop you from going on that date with her today but please don't be so kind that she'll take advantage of you.
Kavin: okay I'll think about it and I'll try to cancel the date today.
Dushyant: kavin we both know that that'll be impossible but I also agree with you that should cancel today's date and have a proper think about the relationship with her. Anyway were getting late for colledge lets go.
Kavin: okay.

They both left for colledge.

1. How do you think Mahira's going to react about Kavin cancelling the date?

2. Will Kavin be successful on cancelling the date? Or would he have to make another decision?

3. Who's side would Purvi and Ishita take?

Sorry for any mistakes.

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