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you get outside boa steakhouse and a load of cameras are there. you hate the idea of being crowded with paparazzi and being asked loads of questions so you start to get really anxious
hollywood fix: so are you guys just going to get some dinner?
thomas: yes we are going out to celebrate
hollywood fix spots you
hollywood fix: so are you a new addition to the hype house?
y/n: um no i'm um thomas' cousin
hollywood fix: wow i love your accent
hollywood fix: hi nick
you realise nick is squeezing your hand
nick: hi fletcher how are you doing?
hollywood fix: i am doing fine thanks nick is this your girlfriend?
nick: no she is just thomas' cousin
nick: come on y/n lets go
you are so overwhelmed by all the cameras clicking and people asking you questions
nick pushes you forwards into the restaurant and it isn't much better in there. there are so many fans waiting and asking nick for pictures
he keeps pushing you forwards towards your table and everything calms down
your hands are shaking still enveloped in nicks
you sat down and ordered food with the others still confused about what just happened in your own little world.
thomas: y/n are you okay?
you look up with a terrified, dazed look on your face
nick: i think she is just a bit overwhelmed by the paparazzi
thomas: it is a lot to handle on your first outing
y/n: does that happen a lot when you go out
thomas: i dont think, when i go out i haven't been papped. normally i film them back and it is just jokes
you eat and then start getting anxious about leaving the restaurant
kouvr comes over to you just before you leave
kouvr: dont worry y/n just act chill and and if you dont want to answer any questions then just walk quickly or make up an excuse
y/n: thanks kouvr
you walk out and nick grabs your hand again and not to your surprise, hollywood fix is waiting for you
as soon as everyone sees you all leave the restaurant the cameras start flashing and questions start being asked.
hollywood fix: so thomas have you got anything new coming
thomas: maybe we do
hollywood fix: so y/n how was your first dinner in LA
y/n: it was good thank you
hollywood fix: wow you are british i love your accent
nick squeezes your hand again an pulls you out of the chaos and into his car. ryland and ondreaz join you and then you set off back to he house.

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