its all good

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you wake up the next morning in nicks bed
y/n: morning bubby
nick: hellooooo
y/n: last night was fun
nick: yes but thomas is so pissed
y/n: not anything unusual. do you know what mati wanted yesterday?
nick: no not sure (he was obviously lying because he does know)
y/n: so, what are we doing today?
nick: well, i have got some meetings today. sorry
y/n: its fine (it obviously wasnt though)
nick: dont do that to me
y/n: what
nick: don't say it is fine when it obviously isn't
y/n: what are your meetings today then?
nick: i have got one with my mercy company and then i have got one with a partnership i am doing or hopefully doing
y/n: ughhhhhh
nick: haven't you got a meeting with your merch company today
y/n: probably
nick: you are going to have to talk to thomas sooner or later
y/n: i know but
you get interrupted by grace coming into the room
grace: morning love birds, y/n it is your birthday in two days and you have also got a meeting with your merch company about your birthday merch so get your skinny arse up and whilst you get ready, nick can tell me about what went down last night
you get up, go into the bathroom and shower and get ready whilst nick tells grace what happened last night
you come out wearing nicks hoodie and some shorts
nick: you do just look amazing in my hoodies
you jump on top of him and kiss him
grace pulls you up
grace: now is not the time
she drags you out and you give nick a sad face on your way out
grace: so what are you going to do about thomas then
y/n: just avoid him then when i really have to then i will just deal with it
grace: wow that plan is amazing (that was sarcastic obviously)
y/n: do you know what is up with mati. he came in last night and wanted to say something but sami stopped him
grace: of course i know what's up but i will let mati tell you not me
y/n: ughhhh grace!
you go downstairs to see your merch company sitting round the meeting table
you do your meeting and then you see thomas as he has a meeting next. he walks over to you and you quickly leave the room and run into mati.
mati: um hi y/n
y/n: hi mati
you hug him
y/n: whats up
mati: nothin
he quickly walks away and you see sami so you run over to him
sami: hey y/n
y/n: hey sami, whats up with mati
sami: oh well i dont know if i should be telling you this but he still likes you. you know like what happened back home at your eighteenth
he was referring to when you played truth or dare at your eighteenth and you and him made out then had sex but nothing else happened.
y/n: oh fuck. is that what he wanted to say yesterday
sami: yeh. i just think seeing you with nick was just too much for him
you hug sami
y/n: thanks for telling me
you run upstairs to nicks room to see if nick is still there
he is
y/n: knock knock
nick: hey bubs. i'm in an online meeting right now
you go and sit on his lap and say hi to his team
y/n: you you want me to leave?
nick: no, no dont worry
you bury your head in his neck and try to stop yourself from crying
nick: okay thanks bye (he was talking to the people on the call)
nick: bubs whats wrong
you cant stop yourself from crying
y/n: i have really fucked everything up. with thomas and mati
nick: oh baby no you havent
he hugs you tighter
nick: look, if you want we can go and talk to thomas. but why have you fucked stuff up with mati
y/n: something happened at my eighteenth that wasnt supposed to and he wants to date me
nick: that's a him problem not you bub
y/n: but if that hadn't happened then we would just be normal best friends
nick: y/n, nothing about you is normal, you are so so gorgeous and energetic and always happy so you need some down time.
y/n: i feel like i always burden you with my problems
ryland walks in
ryland: yo y/n are you okay
you bury your head into nicks neck
nick: look ry, i have another meeting now, can you take y/n downstairs and make sure she is okay
ryland: yeh of course
you stand up and go and hug ryland. you walk downstairs, get some ice cream out of the freezer and go and eat it next to the pool where sami, mati and grace are
ryland comes out with you
ryland: look, you dont have to tell me but as your best friend i have a duty to punch anyone in the face is they piss you off
y/n: i just keep fucking things up that's all
ryland takes you ice cream
ryland: get off your lazy arse and fix them then
you stand up and walk over to mati
y/n: hey, can we talk
mati: yeh of course
you go to the other side of the pool
y/n: so sami told me what you wanted to say yesterday
mati: oh fuck. look i'm so sorry. i jus love you so much and it hurts me so bad when i see you with nick. i just want to be the one with you
y/n: look mati, i love you so much just not in that way. you are my best friend and what happened at my eighteenth was a mistake. a huge, huge mistake. i just want us to go back to being best friends.
he hugs you and you hug him back
y/n: are we good?
mati: yeh
he picks you up fully clothed and runs to the pool and dumps you in
you swim over to grace
grace: you guys all good now?
y/n: yeh. i think so
you mess about in the pool then you get out and go and talk to ryland
y/n: hey
ryland: hey
y/n: thank you
ryland: what for
y/n: helping me make something right
he smiles at you
you open your arms to hug him and he runs away from you. you finally catch him and give him a hug ( you are still in your wet clothes)
ryland: ughh y/n your so wet
y/n: yeh not for you
you both snigger
y/n: well, i'm gonna go and find nick
you walk upstairs to nicks room. he is gaming with the boys so you decide to sneak up on him and give him a hug in your wet clothes
y/n: boo
nick: fuck my life
y/n: haha
nick: why are you so wet
y/n: mati threw me in the pool
nick: are you two all good now
y/n: yeh. that one was the easier one. i might just run away. that would be better than facing thomas
nick: well you better do it before your birthday
y/n: ughhh i dont want a birthday
nick: what you wanna be eighteen forever
y/n: would be better than talking to thomas
kouvr knocks on the door
kouvr: hey nick, thomas said he wants to talk to you. just you.
y/n: dont go. thomas can rot in hell
nick: i think i should go.
kouvr: i think you should go too
y/n: ughh fine then go. dont come running to me when he punches you again
nick kisses you and then goes downstairs with kouvr
nicks pov
nick: what does thomas want to talk to me about
kouvr: what happened last night
nick: oh fuck. i didnt agree to this
he stops in the middle of the stairs
kouvr: i dont think it will be as bad as the other time
nick: oh it fucking will
you walk down stairs and see thomas
nick: fuck fuck fuck fuck
thomas: hi nick
nick: hi
thomas: so i think that we should talk about what went down the other night
nick: well i mean, that is why i am here
thomas: so i think you and y/n took it to far
nick: oh fuck i cant so this
you stand up and walk back to y/n
back to your pov
nick walks in again looking grumpy
y/n:what happened? it didnt sound good
nick: he basically said that we were out of line
y/n: ugh that fuckin dick. i'm going to give him a piece of my mind
you storm downstairs nick following
y/n: listen to me now thomas fucking petrou. you are a fucking hypocrite. i came to LA to see you and you have to fuck it up by being so controlling. you then said that you weren't going to be. fine. but what do you go and do. you beat up my fucking boyfriend. you then walk in on us and decide that you are going to shout at us and invade our privacy and tell us that we're in the wrong. you are fucking unbelievable
at this point the whole house had come over.
thomas: look
y/n: no i'm not going to fucking look you can fucking look. i am not your little sister who you can boss around as much as you fucking like. i am your cousin and i have a life.
thomas: y/n i think that you and nick were out of line
you're shouting now
thomas: SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE. i am trying to protect you. you never had a big brother growing up so i wanted to do it for you.
y/n: but you aren't my big brother. you are my cousin. i dont have a fucking big brother. if you were my big brother you would've been there when my dad and i had our problems. you would've been there when i broke up with bobby. ( you were crying now)you would've been there at my eighteenth. you would've been stopping me from trying to jump off that bridge. but you weren't
a tear rolled down thomas' cheek
y/n: i think i need to go
you run away to your bedroom
grace, sami, mati and nick run after you
you run into your room and fall on the floor tears streaming out of your eyes
mati comes through your door first and envelopes you in his arms
you cry into his chest
everyone comes into your room and sits on the floor with you
y/n: i haven't told anyone that doesn't know about the bridge thing
mati hugged you tighter
y/n: i dont think LA is right for me
nick: it is y/n we just need to make it better
y/n: i just fuck everybody's life up. i really thought that saying all of that stuff to thomas would make me feel better but it just makes me feel worse
you can't control your tears now
nick: look, lets go downstairs and talk to thomas. i doubt he will still be saying what he was saying now you gave him that speech
y/n: now everyone in the fucking house knows my whole life story
you stand up and look in the mirror, wipe your tears and open the door. you walk downstairs and see thomas crying. you have never seen him cry before.
y/n: thomas i'm so
before you can finish your sentence he just runs over to you and hugs you so tight. you can feel how he is feeling with just one hug.
thomas: i am so so sorry y/n. i know that i have been such a shit person to you. i love you, i really really do
y/n: i love you too
you pull apart and you know he is generally sorry
y/n: so then, it is my birthday in a few days and my merch collection is coming out os we need a photo shoot. i have texted bryant and he said whenever so i think that tomorrow, if everyone is available, we can do the photo shoot. that way, everyone can be in it
you look over at mati and smile
you wish you could stay in that moment forever

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