the visitors

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you wake up the day after the party next to nick. you dont want to disturb him so you just start answering some dm's on instagram when your phone starts ringing.
it was a group facetime from your friends back home
y/n: hi [you are whispering]
mati: wow, nice to see that you can fit us into your busy schedule
grace: mati shut up
sami: so y/n how is LA
y/n: its good. i actually have some news
grace: wait, why are you whispering
y/n: i dont want to wake nick up
grace: you mean THE nick.
y/n: yes i do
sami: wake him up! wake him up! wake him up!
they all start shouting through the phone and nick starts to wake up
y/n: morning baby
nick: hey gorgeous, who are you on the phone to
y/n: just my friends from back home, i am sorry they woke you up
as soon as nick hears that they are your friends from home, he is immediately more awake
grace: hiiiiiii
nick: hi guys
y/n: this is mati, grace and sami
mati: so we heard that you and y/n are a 'thing'
nick: where did you hear that
nick winks at you
mati: mainly tiktokroom
nick: we aren't official yet
grace: so y/n what was your news
sami: does it have something to do with your recent instagram post by any chance
you look at nick nervously
y/n: okay, so basically, thomas has asked me to join the house. permanently.
grace: wow! y/n that is amazing
sami: congrats y/n
mati wasn't so happy
mati: but what about us and your sister and your mum and university and everything you have got here. does that not matter to you or something
y/n: i can do university online and i can visit and you can visit. mati are you not happy for me or something. this is what i have always wanted. the LA dream
mati hung up the group call
grace: dont worry about him. i mean we will all miss you tonnes but i mean i get to go to LA!
y/n: of course you do. you will come and visit and i will come home and visit too
thomas shouts you to go downstairs
y/n: oh give me a sec, i am being summoned
you go downstairs leaving your phone with nick
thomas: y/n you have a few meetings today to talk about having a posting schedule and stuff like that and making you an official member
y/n: okay can you get me some coffee from dunkin when you go please
thomas: of course. be ready for 11am please
y/n: okay
you go back upstairs
nicks pov
nick: okay so i dont have much time but basically y/n is always talking about how much she misses you guys so i thought that i could fly you guys out here and come and surprise her. i will find your instagram and dm you all on there
is that okay?
grace: ahhhh! i am going to go to LA
sami: that sounds sick. ill let mati know
nick: cheers guys. dont post anything on social media about it or anything. you cant let her find out
grace: okay bye nick!
they all hang up
your pov
you go back into your room and see nick still lying in your bed but on his phone scrolling though tiktok
nick: hey bubs, what did thomas want
y/n: oh i have got meetings today so i have to get up and ready
nick: oh do i not get cuddles first
y/n: i'm sorry bubs but i have to get ready for the time thomas gets home with my coffee
nick: okay
nick puts on a sad face
y/n: sorry baby
you go into your bathroom, shower and put this outfit on and out your hair in a messy bun

 you cant let her find out grace: okay bye nick!they all hang upyour povyou go back into your room and see nick still lying in your bed but on his phone scrolling though tiktoknick: hey bubs, what did thomas wanty/n: oh i have got meetings today s...

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you go downstairs and your greeted by thomas with your coffee
you have a meeting with thomas and his manager about the hype house which was a bit boring but then you have an hour break so tell nick to come down so you can have lunch together
he comes downstairs with a box of chocolates
nick: hey bubs. i got you these
y/n: aww thank you baby that is so sweet
you kiss him and realise that thomas is in the room and he doesn't know that you're dating
y/n: oh yeh thomas, nick asked me out at the party last night
thomas: oh right
thomas looked really uncomfortable
you have some taco bell with nick and then you have a full house meeting. that lasts about an hour and a half. at the end of that, you go upstairs with nick
nick: i think it is time for cuddles now
y/n: come here then
instead of going in to hug him you kiss him. he gets the message and immediately takes off his t-shirt. you feel around his sculpted abs and push down his trousers so he is in his boxers. you stop kissing him and look at him. you smile. he pushes you onto the bed and takes off your clothes leaving you in your underwear too. you arch your back slightly giving him the message to take off your bra. he does and he starts sucking your breast. you can't help but moan. he kisses all down your body and when he gets to your pants he looks up and you nod. he uses his tongue to remove the underwear and he starts eating you. he sticks his tongue inside. you haven't felt this much pleasure ever. he continues kissing down your legs leaving many hickeys all over your body. he eventually comes back to your face
nick: do you want to?
you nod
nick: have you got protection
you grab out some condoms from the draw and put it on.
nick: are you ready
you nod nervously.
you can feel him slip inside you. he starts slower
y/n: faster daddy faster
he starts thrusting his hips faster and faster until you are moaning uncontrollably.
you can hear your name being called from the other side of the door
??: y/n?!
you and nick look at each other worried
??: y/n? nick?
thomas bursts through the door
thomas: holy fuck guys
he quickly walks out and you both put on some joggers and you steal nicks hoodie
you open the door to see thomas patiently waiting
y/n: hi
thomas: if your going to fuck each other at least lock your door and don't be so loud
you laugh
thomas: i'm pretty sure your friends back home could hear you
y/n: sorry
thomas: anyways, we are having a movie night so come on
you and nick go down to the movie theatre
the whole time you guys are watching the film nick is messaging people. you start to get really suspicious and you feel like he is doing something sketchy
y/n: nick what are you doing
nick: something baby. you will find out in a couple of days
he smiles at you and kisses your forehead
you start to get really concerned he is doing something dodgy
you look at thomas worried
thomas: y/n can you come outside a sec i need a word
you walk outside
thomas: y/n whatsup
y/n: i think nick might be cheating on me
thomas: what how do you know
y/n: i dont but he is constantly messaging somebody else
thomas: nick wouldn't do that he is a genuine guy. dont worry y/n ill find out
you hug him and start crying into his chest
you decide to go to bed and nick sleeps in his room as he doesn't want to disturb you
you wake up the next morning and go straight downstairs because you know you have some meetings. you sit down at the table and somebody brings you dunkin
kouvr: y/n are you okay?
y/n: not really
kouvr: is it nick?
y/n: how do you know?
kouvr: thomas told me
y/n: i'm just nervous that he is doing something bad you know
kouvr: dont worry it will be fine. come on we have a house meeting
during the meeting you just think about what nick could be doing
thomas: so i was thanking maybe we could go to the Bahamas or something as like a trip
mia: yehhhh that would be sick
then the door opens
in walk grace, mati and sami
you run up to grace first and practically knock her over when you hug her.
grace: hi y/n. i have missed you so much
you then go over and hug sami
y/n: hi sami! i have missed you
you stand facing mati then he picks you up and squeezes you so tight
you start to cry
y/n: i thought you hated me after what happened yesterday
mati: i just didnt want to not see your ugly face everyday
you guys have a group hug then everyone from the hype house joins the group hug too.
you all pull apart.
y/n: how come you guys are here?!
grace: well, nick reached out too us and flew us over here immediately because he said you have really been missing us
you turn to face nick and kiss him
y/n: i love you so much
nick: i love you too
you dont finish the meeting. you give the guys a tour of the house and then nick says that they will be staying in the movie theatre
sami: wait, you guys have a fucking movie theatre
y/n: yup and it is perfect for watching glee before we go to bed
mati: your just so fucking obsessed y/n
you shove him in a jokey way

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