Chapter 1

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Hinata's POV 

I parked my bike near the others at the entrance. It was my first day at Karasuno High School, the school where my idol, the Little Giant, went. I headed in the entrance, map in hand, trying to find my class. I walked around for a bit. It was quite confusing. Then I bumped into someone. I quickly bowed my head as  to say sorry. He nodded and said No it's fine. Are you okay? I nodded to him. He then said, My name's Koshi Sugawara. You look lost. Are you a first year? I nodded again. You're in the third year section. Tell me your class and I'll give you directions. I showed him my map and he gave me directions to my class. I bowed my head to thank him and headed off. I knew he was probably wondering why I didn't speak and thought that maybe I was just nervous. That wasn't it though. I am deaf. I've been deaf ever since I was born. My mom and sister don't mind, but I don't like telling people. They always treat me weird, so I just pretend to be shy and that I don't like to talk. I arrive at class just as the bell rings.

Time Skip: Lunch

I'm standing at a vending machine when suddenly I get hit in the head with something. I turn around to see a tall guy with black hair and blue eyes heading towards. I make out Are and alright and know he is asking if I'm okay. I nod. I bend down to pick up what hit me, when I realize that it's a volleyball. I look at him excited. I grab a notepad and pen out of my bag and write, do you play volleyball? If you do, what position? I hand him the notepad and pen and he writes, setter. Do you play? I nod as he hands me back the paper. I write, spiker. He laughs and I get mad. He says, I didn't think you would be a spiker with your height is all. He pauses. There's the bell, got to go. See you. I wave bye and head off to class. 

Kageyama's POV 

I yell at him, but he does not hear me at all, like he is deaf or something. The ball hits him flats on the side of the head. I run over to him, asking if he's alright. He goes to pick up the volleyball and gets excited. He pulls out paper and starts to write on it. He asks do you play volleyball? If you do, what position? I write on the paper he hands me, setter. Do you play? He nods at me as I hand his notepad back, and then writes, spiker. I laugh and he seems to get frustrated, though in a cute way. I then say to him, I didn't think you would be a spiker with your height is all. I pause because I hear the bell, though he didn't seem to notice. There's the bell, got to go. See you, I say. I start to walk away when he waves goodbye. He was kind of weird and didn't seem to like talking but it was fine.

Time Skip: After school at the Karasuno gym around 3:30

Hinata's POV

I walk into to the gym to start volleyball when I notice a familiar face. It's the guy who helped me out earlier. I guess he plays volleyball, too. I walk over and wave. He says Hi and introduces me. These guys are Daichi Suwamura and Tanaka Ryunosuke. He doesn't really talk a lot, so be nice Tanaka. I waved and they each said hello. Then the one named Tanaka comes up and to me and says, aren't you a little short to be playing volleyball? I vigorously shake my head no. That's enough Tanaka, the one named Daichi said. I bowed my head in thanks and he said no problem, now go get ready, practice starts soon. Also Tanaka apologized and I bowed my head to him, too.

(PS there weren't enough new players so they just let all the first years that wanted to join join the team, so there are no tryouts.)

I ran to the changing room, got dressed, and ran back out just in time because it looked like they were starting. I ran over to see what they were saying. The man talking repeated what I had missed when I came over. He said Hi. I'm Takeda Ittetsu, and this is Kiyoko Shimizu. We are the club managers and just wanted to wish the four of hood luck in the game. We will be testing your skills and seeing what you can do in a three on three match against each other. We will have Tsukishima Kei and Yamaguchi Tadashi with Daichi against Hinata Shoyo and Kageyama Tobio with Tanaka. But before we do that, let's warm up. I join the others in their warm up and notice Daichi whisper to Suga, Hinata seems kind of slow. I realize their talking about my reaction time. I continue on with the stretches, but start to worry about the practice game. What if I don't do well? What if they find out I'm deaf? What if the kick me off the team because of it? I try to push all those thought out of my head and focus on the game ahead. After warmups I head over to Tanaka and find that setter from earlier there with him. I guess he is Kageyama. I wave hello as I near them. They both respond with a hi. Tanaka gives a pep talk. We got this, he says. We just need to give it 100% and work together. You ready? Kageyama says yes and I just nod. You're gonna need to speak kid, Tanaka says. We can't work together if we can't communicate. I give him a thumbs up and a smile and he seems satisfied. Then we are called to action.

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