Chapter 2

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Hinata's POV 

We stepped onto the court. I was really worried after what Tanaka had said. I really wanted to win, bit could I do that with him and Kageyama being deaf? I hoped so. I nervously looked at Kageyama, who noticed how stressed I was. He walked over to me from his place beside the net. Are you alright? he asked. I nodded, though he didn't seem to believe me. 

Kageyama's POV 

I looked at Hinata and noticed he looked really stressed. I figured it was natural, seeing as we were about to start a game, but still wanted to make sure he was okay. I asked him if he was alright, and he just nodded. Even though he said yes, I knew he was not okay. Then Suga yelled the game was going to start and I went back into position. Our team has first serve.

Hinata's POV 

When Tanaka gets ready to serve, I realize we're starting. I get ready and drop into position. The ball is up. The one named Yamaguchi receives it and sends it to the guy in the setter position named Tsukishima. Then Daichi spikes it right at me. I manage to receive it, though not very good. Kageyama manages to make up for me perfectly by setting straight Tanaka, who spikes it and scores. The ball goes back and forth between our team and theirs. Kageyama, Tanaka, and I win the first set, 25:23. We start the second match, but that's where everything changes. We start the match, 7:4, us being 7, them 4. Tsukki is up to serve. We get into position. Normally, Tsukki's serves are aimed at Tanaka, but this time, it's aimed at me. I, unfortunately, didn't notice. The ball comes whizzing at me. I think Kageyama was saying something to me, but I didn't notice that either. Then, before I knew it, the ball smacks me square on the forehead. I fall backwards from the impact. I double over in pain. Damn that hurt! I think everyone is huddled around me, but I'm not entirely sure. I just sit there like that until someone touches me. I can tell it's Kageyama, for some reason. I sit up, but don't look at anyone. I just stare at the floor. Someone taps me again. This time it's Suga. I look at him, kind of scared, but realize he looks ten times worse than I do. He stares at me looking like a concerned mom when Kageyama comes over. He has my notepad and pen. He hands them to Suga and I think he says to write any questions on there. I'm not entirely sure what had even happened, or how much time had passed. I look back at Suga, who's has just finished writing. He hands it to me. Are you alright? You looked like you were in serious pain. Can you hear us? Did you lose your hearing when you fell? I realize I have to tell them now. I write back, I'm fine, it just hurts a lot cause I didn't expect it. No I cannot hear you, but it's not because I hit my head or anything. I was ... I hesitate. I look back at the team, worried for me, about me, and feel that they deserve to know. I finish with born deaf. I knew what you guys were saying because I can lip read really well. I hand the notepad to Suga, who reads it by himself. He stands there, utterly shocked. Kageyama and Daichi come over and read it. Daichi pulls the notepad out of Suga's hands and reads my message to the rest of the team. They just stand and stare. I shift uncomfortably, complete embarrassed that everyone is staring. Then Kageyama comes over and offers his hand. I grab it and he pulls me up. I realizing he isn't staring like the others. He probably already guessed I was deaf. Before I knew it, I pulled him into a hug. He hugged me back, making cry silent tears of joy. I was so happy because at my middle school, my secret was leaked in my third year, and everyone who knew me started treating me differently. I got me really agitated and sad, I almost fell into a state of depression. If it wasn't for my family, I wouldn't be playing volleyball at my dream high school. My tears snapped the others out of their trance and everyone except Tsukki came over and hugged me. It was the happiest day of my life.

*cough* second *cough* Hope you enjoyed chapter 2. Comment if you have any suggestions. Byeeee😊

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