Chapter one

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Hope you guys enjoy the first chapter!!

Harry has always lived in Holmes Chapel but when his step father passed away he and his mother thought it was time for a change. Harry was 14 when his step-father passed away and now he was 15 he had only just turned 15 about a week ago and it was his first birthday without his step father and it wasn't really the same it was quite gloomy but at the same time Harry had a great day. A day after Harry's birthday that's when he and his mother decided they should look for a new house. After months of looking they found a beautiful house in a town called Doncaster.

"Harry are you all packed?" Anne shouted up, "yes mum I'm coming down now." Harry responded. He loved his mum she meant everything to him. Everything he did he made sure his mum approved and he could see how hurt she was when his stepfather passed away he hated seeing her like this so he hoped moving to Doncaster could make a change. As he carried the last few boxes from his bedroom down the stairs he stopped, when he saw his mother standing in the middle of the empty,hollow living room with a tear in her eye, "are you okay mum ?" Harry asked,feeling bad for her, "of course hunny I'm just a bit overwhelmed that all." She told him and he nodded "come on let get going" she told him and he followed on after his mum and put the rest of the boxes in the car and then they were off.

Harry could remember going on long car journeys when he was younger with his mum, stepfather and his sister Gemma. He always loved going on car journeys, he thought it was the most calming thing in the world.His mum would always pack him and Gemma snacks and drinks for the trip and they always packed pyjamas, some extra clothes and swim wear. Harry would always bring his favourite teddy and headphones to listen to music and in the winter they would always bring a big blanket for evening . When Harry and Gemma were cold and tired they would snuggle up in the back with the big blanket while their mum and stepfather would take it in turns driving. They would start their journey at 8 in the morning at get home at 10 at night. Harry wished he could do that once more just the 4 of them, but he knew it wouldn't be possible.

Finally, after a few hours Harry and Anne finally got to Doncaster, Harry loved the look of the town it was a big town but in a way it felt tiny. Anne had finally pulled up on the driveway and they both got out of the car and they stood there for a second looking at the house they both had a warm feeling about it, it kinda felt like home. After about twenty minutes of helping his mum bring all of the boxes in from the car Harry went up the stairs to paint and decorate his bedroom. He opened up his blinds and that is when he saw the most beautiful person ever, his face  turned bright red when the boy looked at him he quickly shut his blinds and ran downstairs to get a glass of water to make his face cool down. He then went back upstairs to his bedroom he check to see if the boy was still there but he wasn't, Harry was disappointed but at the same time he was relived. Harry first knew he was into boy at the age of 12 when he dated this girl and It didn't feel right but a month after he started hanging out with this boy Matt and he started to get this feeling. He knew it definitely wasn't a friendship feeling it was love, Harry and Matt dated for 2 months but they broke up because Matt moved to America they tried doing long distance and it didn't work Harry was pretty devastated but he soon got over it.

Harry took his top off, put on his music, opened up his blinds and his window a bit forgetting about the boy he saw just a couple of minutes ago and he started painting his room. While he was painting his room the boy next door came back and watched him dancing around like an idiot shirtless but the boy smiled and laughed then he disappeared again. Harry carried on painting not knowing the boy who he thought was beautiful had just seen him dance around his bedroom with a paint brush singing until his mum called him downstairs, he didn't even bother putting on his shirt and as he walked into the living room he froze, there he was again the most beautiful boy he had ever seen. Harry started to feel his face burn up when his mum said "harry go put a top on we have guests and you have paint all over yourself" as Harry looked at his stomach which was covered in paint then he saw the boy smiling and laughing to himself. Harry ran upstairs as quickly as he could and he put on a top. When he came back down stairs his mum introduced him to the two people sitting on his sofa "Harry this Johannah and Louis. They are our new neighbours." Anne said in a cheerful tone, "please call me jay, it's so nice to finally have some new neighbours around here all the people here are old. Don't get me wrong they are lovely but it's nice to have another family around haha" jay said with a laugh "Harry you will be going to the same school as Louis, and you start Monday so why don't you two go upstairs and get to know each other ?" Anne suggested "that's a great idea mum but I haven't finished painting, I should go do that." Harry replied with a nervous laugh "I can help you paint if you want." Louis told Harry with a cheeky grin Harry didn't know what to say so he just nodded and off they went up to Harry's room.

Okay so this is chapter one I hope you enjoyed it. I had a lot of fun writing it I should hopefully post everyday I'm not sure what time but I'm excited for this journey 💞

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