chapter 3

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OMG you guys are honestly so amazing! Thank you for all the support on my last two chapters! I love you all.🥰❤️ Have a great day or night. :) sorry for such a long wait 😬

Harry's alarm started going off it was 6:40 am he was a little bit tired but after a nice shower and a nice hot cup of tea that his mum made him and put on his bedside table he was fine. He got into his school uniform and went downstairs for breakfast, his mum had made him pancakes with bacon just like she always did on the first day of every new school year. Harry was just about to eat his breakfast when there was a knock at the door he went to get up and get the door but Anne said "I'll get it, eat up honey." Harry smiled at her and tucked in to his pancakes. A second later Anne came back but this time with Louis. Harry smiled so much his dimples showed, Louis loved Harrys dimples so much it made him smiled so much his eyes crinkled. Once again there was silence between them until Anne broke the silence "do you want any pancakes Louis ?" she smiled at small lad, "oooo yes please Mrs. Twist." Louis replied,  Anne smiled back and Louis took a seat and looked at Harry "so are you excited curly?" Louis was excited for him and Harry could tell "I guess so, just a bit nervous." Harry nervously laughed whilst rubbing his neck, "Don't be! You will be fine, you have me, Zayn and Stan and you will probably make some new friends as well." Louis gave a reassuring look to Harry. Anne placed down Louis pancakes and put the golden syrup next to him "enjoy!" she said in joyful tone, "Thank you Mrs. Twist." he took a bite into one "wow these are amazing!" Louis loved pancakes "I'm glad you like them."   Anne replied in her soft, calming voice. Harry looked at his phone it was 7:20 it was still very early they had to be on school grounds at 8:40 but harry had to be there at 8:30 because he was getting a tour. "we have ages until we have to go to school, its only 7:20 so what do you want to do ? " Harry got up and put his plate, knife and fork in the dishwasher. " Do you have an Xbox?" Louis asked "Yes I do." Harry said shaking his head with a smile "Do you have FIFA ?" Louis said with a grin, "yes I go it the other day, I haven't played it yet." Harry told the blue eyed boy "okay lets go play it for a while." Louis got off his chair put his plate, knife and fork in the dishwasher and run upstairs to Harrys room. Harry stood in shock for a moment Louis was the complete opposite of Harry but it made Harry feel safe, it made him feel like he could open up more, he run up the stairs after the blue eyed boy. Louis had already set everything up "come ere curly." Louis said in an excited tone, Harry sat on his bed next to Louis and took one of the controls. Louis taught Harry how to play and Harry became really good at the game. It got to 8:15 and both of the boys got there things said goodbye to Anne and they were off. It only took 10 minutes to get to their school but Louis wanted to show Harry where he hangs out normally. Louis and Harry were walking through this woods and they stopped at this tree house. "This is where me, Stan and Zayn have been hanging out for years, my dad and grandad made it for me and then I showed Zayn and Stan and its been our place for 10 years now" Louis looked proud at the old looking tree house, " I love it Lou." Harry loved it, it looked so peaceful. "After school we can come here if you want but right now we need to get going curly." Louis laughed as he pulled the curly headed lad away from the tree house. Louis touch was soft and gentle, Harry liked his touched, he also really liked Louis but he was so nervous he wouldn't like him back and it would ruin their friendship so harry told himself not to tell him. The two boys walked to school and as they got to the gates two boys were waiting for him, a short blonde lad and a tall brown headed lad. "Hi I'm Niall, nice to meet ya." the young lad put his hand out, Harry automatically knew the boy was Irish,  "Hi I'm Harry." he replied back, "and I'm Liam!" both boys looked really happy and it made harry have a warm feeling inside. "Ello lads!!" Louis said with a massive smile "You alright Tommo?" Niall said showing off his bright smile "I'm alright what about you Payno?" "I'm alright mate, lets get this tour started shall we." Liam smiled at Harry.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2021 ⏰

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