chapter 2

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thank you all so much for the support on the last chapter i love you all 💞🥰

Harry wasn't a shy person, he was just a little shy when it came to new people but louis made him feel very shy and nervous. He felt like he couldn't breathe he felt his face burning up again when louis spoke "I saw you earlier. dancing and singing, you've got some moves you know, I couldn't really hear you sing because the music was too loud but it looked like you were having fun." harry didn't know how to react this beautiful boy had just seen him act like a complete fool, "oh sorry was the music too loud for you? i can make sure its turned down next time." harry said with a nervous laugh. "no no its alright it looked pretty fun." louis replied to harry pulling a cigarette out of his pocket, Harrys eyes widened, he smokes harry thought to himself then he realised the face he was pulling and tried to change before the boy could see but it was too late he had seen louis took the cigarette out of his mouth and looked at harry with a raised eyebrow "you dont mind if i smoke this do you?" louis asked harry, harry not wanting to upset the boy said he could and with that he lit the cigarette and started puffing away, after about a minuet of silence louis spoke again "so Hazza tell me about yourself. I want to know everything if me and you are gonna be friends." louis said with a smile, harry who was sat on the floor took in a deep breathe and replied to the beautiful blue eyed boy "what do you want to know?" louis jumped off Harrys window cill "everything, but lets start off with why'd you move to Doncaster for?" he said in an eager tone. " my step dad passed away last year and mum was quite upset about it so a day after my birthday i went to her and asked if she was ready for a change and i suggested a new house moving out of my home town Holmes Chappel and she agreed a few months after we found a house here and we bought it." harry told him. " oh so its just you and your mum now?" louis asked feeling a little bit bad for him, "i have an older sister Gemma she is in collage so yeah in a way it is just me and mum." harry sighed he misses his older sister and right now he doesn't have anyone to gossip to about louis. "why don't you tell me about yourself?" harry looked into Louis's blue eyes, they twinkled , "well what do want to know about me?" louis looked at harry with a cheeky grin. "how about the reason you smoke?" harry spoke to him still looking into the boys eyes, louis sighed "i smoke because it relaxes me, i get very stressed some times and it calms me. my mum hates it she keeps trying to get me to stop but i cant i'm addicted." louis sounded so disappointed in himself harry could see that he patted the floor next to him signaling the blue eyed boy to sit next to him. Louis sat down next to him "do you want to stop?" harry asked him " of course i do but its hard ive tried for ages to stop." louis sighed once more "then ill help you." harry looked at louis willingly "i dont think it will be easy hazza." louis replied to harry. The room was silent and until harry said " no matter how long it takes or how hard it is i will help you louis." louis laughed "come on were are meant to be painting." and with that they both got up painting harrys bedroom for the rest of the day.

Harry and louis had been messaging each other for most of the night it was now 2am harry looked out his window and saw louis sitting on his window cill he laid down on his bed and he got a call it was louis he was ringing harry, harry answered there was silence for a second until a louis started speaking " hi Hazza." his voice was so raspy and low, harry bit his lip and shut his eyes tight, "hi Lou." he finally spoke into the phone with a soft tone. Louis took a deep breathe in and then he started talking again "i'm bored harry, can we go on a walk?" harry didn't even hesitate "of course we can meet you outside in 5." and he quickly hung up the phone. He threw on some joggers and a jumper put on his trainer and quietly tried to walk down the stairs but when he was half way down the stairs his mum had awoken, "harry were are you going its 2am?" Anne asked "i was gonna leave you a note but i'm going on a walk with louis. he called me said he was bored and asked if i wanted to go on a walk with him and i said yes." harry replied to his mother. "okay well be careful and don't be home too late make sure your phone is on, just incase I text or call you." Anne said tiredly " I will night mum." and he grabbed his coat and his key and went out. When he got outside there standing at the end of his path was louis he was in a blue adidas tracksuit and he had a coat on, "ready to go?" louis asked him with a wink harry nodded he really liked louis and he had only known him for a few hours.

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