04 | Proudly

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Rayan was leaning against one of the pillars in the hall while gazing at the students around himself

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Rayan was leaning against one of the pillars in the hall while gazing at the students around himself. A bitter feeling crawled up his chest when his eyes didn't find Naira in the crowd and he shoved his hands into his pants' pockets in frustration. It had been two weeks since he asked her the question and she'd been ignoring him since then. If he'd known that she was going to react like this, he would've kept his stupid mouth sealed. At least he wouldn't have been deprived of her company then.

He was again roaming his eyes across the hall when they landed on his target and he felt all the air leave his lungs.

Naira was adorned in a pure white princess gown which extended all the way behind her back. Her hair was tied into a low ponytail, parted from the side while a floral clip was placed on the left side of her head, glistening under the hall lights. He watched as her honey brown gaze landed straight on him and for a moment it appeared as if they were the only ones in the room but it melted away when she ignored him and started to make her way towards the other side of the hall. Rayan followed her direction and his heart thudded painfully when he saw Zaram standing there with a couple of his friends. Even from this far he could make out the damn smirk on his lips and his hands clenched into fists when Naira came to a stop in front of him and passed him a smile.


"You look ravishing."

It was Zaram's first sentence to her after that night and Naira found herself giving him a small smile.

"Thanks. How are you?" She could feel the various pairs of eyes settled on her frame but she didn't let it bother her. After all, they were mere bystanders in this whole play and she'd come with the goal to give them exactly what they wanted; a show.

Zaram sighed heavily as he ducked his head and when he stared at her again, his eyebrows were drawn together in mock hurt. Naira resisted the urge to scoff at his acting.

"I am fine. You know Naira, I thought a lot about what you've done and I've decided to leave it all behind and start anew. Mistakes happen but you know that I love you, right? I want to give us another chance."

Naira stood there with a poker face while some of the girls awed at his words. She blinked a couple of times before saying, "That's exactly what you said the other night before forcing me to drink alcohol."

Loud gasps filled the hall while Zaram forced out a laugh. "Really, sweetheart? Now you're going to blame me for something as disgusting as that?"

"Blame? I'm not blaming you, dear Zaram. I'm merely stating facts." she spoke in a lazy tone and he gave her a tight smile as everyone started whispering.

"What proof do you have? I dropped you home after leaving Rizwan's party that night."

Naira inspected her nails as she uttered the words which made the color drain from Zaram's face.

"The CCTV footage of that club and two eyewitnesses; the waiter and the bartender. Make it three if you count the guy who took those photographs for you and you paid him for the task."

Zaram swallowed thickly as everybody started to believe her and he controlled himself from lunging at her. The Naira he knew didn't have the guts to confront him like this. It was a whole different person standing in front of him.

"As for the pictures all of you saw," she said while addressing the students, her eyes still focused on Zaram's face. "He is my husband and we got our nikah done the same night Zaram decided to take advantage of me. In fact, he was the one who rescued me out of that place and I'd love it if you guys join us in our proper nikah ceremony after graduation."

Naira's lips tugged upwards into a satisfied smirk when she saw Zaram's face get red with anger and he clenched his jaw while trying his absolute best to not give her any type of reaction. This information had come as a slap to his face because he'd thought that he'd ruined her life but she was still standing as brave as ever.

She turned on her heels to walk away from him but swivelled right back as if remembering something. She closed the distance between them in quick strides and didn't give him any time to process before landing a square punch on his nose. A crack sounded across the room as Zaram hunched over with a cry, nursing his bleeding nose.

"This is for playing with my emotions. I'll see you in the court, sweetheart." she spat out the endearment and whirled around with her head held high as students started making way for her. Her poker face crumpled down the moment she came to stand before a stupefied Rayan whose jaw was hanging open in shock and started shaking her hand which had punched Zaram.

"Ow, ow, ow! It hurts like a bïtch." she muttered while cradling the hand close to her chest and Rayan snapped out of it before grabbing her hand in his own and inspecting it with a frown. He stared back at her with pursed lips before they broke into a grin.

"You really are dressed to kill tonight, eh?" he remarked and she breathed out a laugh. She pulled her hand out of his and took some steps closer. Rayan's eyes went round when he saw her raising her hand and he instantly covered both of his cheeks in fear.

"I'm sorry, okay?! Please don't hit me."

Naira blinked at him in surprise before a laugh tumbled out of her mouth and she shook her head. "You silly man." she said with a small smile while removing his hands from his cheeks and grabbed his face in her palms before standing on her tiptoes.

Rayan felt his heart on the verge of combustion when she pressed her lips against his right cheek and his arms involuntarily went around her waist, holding her close.

"What theme would you like for our wedding?" she asked as she snaked her arms around his neck and watched as he opened and closed his mouth like a fish.

"A-are you kidding with me?" he stuttered and she giggled at his condition before shaking her head. Rayan closed his eyes before opening them again to give her a wide grin and leaned over to whisper against her lips, careful not to touch them with his own.

"I love you with all my heart, Naira Hussain."

Naira's breath hitched when he brushed his lips on the corner of her mouth ever so softly before rubbing his nose against hers. She smiled when her honey brown gaze clashed with his hazel brown ones and at that moment she realised that everything was going to be just fine.

Rayan Chaudhry had come into her life like a free gift on Eids. He had not cost her anything; reputation, trust, or respect. He'd just made his presence known by his words and those cheesy scarlet letters and she knew now that the best people in your life were always supposed to be free. Free of any shackles or boundaries which could bring down the real you and instead, would provide support by simply being there whenever you need them the most.


Thank you _shinja_! This was such a heartwarming tale :)

The next story comes out on 11.02.2021!

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