Chapter 7

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I'm in the middle of trying to figure out what to wear on my date. It's literally been such a long time since I've been on one. How do they go again?

Sam (a guy I still have yet to meet) and I are meeting at a pub, so I can probably pull of a pretty casual outfit, right?

I decide to go safe with some skinny jeans and this cute dark pink flowy top. I pull on my pair of black leather boots with the heels and the buckles on the side. I do a once-over in the mirror, fix my un-fixable hair a bit, and head out.

When I arrive at the pub, I begin searching for Sam. From what I hear, he's Indian too (which is so cool!) and he's tall. That's about all I know about him and the only lead I have on knowing what he looks like.

I look around for a little while, until I feel someone tap my shoulder. I spin around, almost fall over in the process, and come face to face with a tall Indian guy. I guess this is Sam?

"Sam?" I inquire.

He nods, "Josie?"

"I think that's my name," I reply.

"I hope it is. Or else this has potential to be very awkward."

"I think any situation that I'm involved in has potential to be very awkward."

He laughs. I don't think he understands that it wasn't a joke.

Sam's actually very tall. And good looking. Now I'm not trying to be racist or anything (I'm Indian too, after all), but tall and good looking Indian guys are hard to come across. I have literally met so many Indian guys (do you know how many weddings I've been too?) and none of them were tall and attractive.

He seems as if he's a little over six foot. He's not lanky, but he's not extremely built. His black hair is spiked on top of his head and he there's a sparkle to his big brown eyes. He's wearing a plaid shirt and plaid definitely looks good on him.

We choose to sit at a two-person table, and we both order sandwiches. No joke, he orders the same thing that Liam always orders when we come here. And Liam has a complex order.


I start some conversation, "So how do you know Adam?"

"He's my dad," he says, trying to act serious. He chuckles before saying, "No, we go to Uni together. What about you and Melissa?"

"Mel's my mom's cousin's brother-in-law's daughter's friend's pet turtle's long lost twin's owner." I tell him, trying to keep a straight face. I fail epically, bursting into laughter. I'm laughing at my own joke now. Great start, Josie, great start.

"Actually, we became best friends after bonding over cheesecake at this one restaurant we both love."

"Is that a joke, too?" He questions.

I shake my head, "Oddly, no."

"Sometimes Adam and I bond over cheesecake, too. Except most of the times we don't. He doesn't like cheesecake for some reason."

"I know he doesn't! It's so weird! Like, who doesn't like cheesecake?"

Sam gives a thinking face (which looks a lot like Liam's thinking face - once again, creepy) before saying with a shrug, "Stupid people."

"One time I met this guy that likes to drink Pepsi with his cheesecake." I tell him.

"Ew. That's like drinking milk with oranges."

"Isn't it, though?"

The waitress brings our food over surprisingly quickly. We dig in to my sandwich and I'm starving so of course I'm practically inhaling it. But Sam doesn't give me a weird look. He just chuckles and continues eating. One point for Sam.

After we finish eating, we decide to play pool. I'm not specifically talented in the game of pool per say, but Sam seems like he wants to play it so why not? It's not like I can embarrass myself anymore than I already have. I mean, once I have a conversation with a person I can't exactly embarrass myself further.

We play for a little while before he starts teasing me (playfully) about how much I suck.

"Josie, the purpose of the game is to hit the balls with the stick." He jokes.

"You know, to a dirty-minded person, that could be portrayed as an inapropriate sentence."

"But maybe that dirty-minded person can play pool and would understand the sentence in a non-dirty way."

"Not if that dirty-minded person is me."

"You basically just admitted to me that you can't play pool."

"I thought we already accomplished that?"



Sam drives me home after we play more than enough pool. I thank him for such a good time (that's what normal people do, right?) and program my number into his phone. I tell him to text or call me and then I go up to my flat.

I turn on my TV and sit there, staring at the screen. In all honesty, I really don't even have a clue about what I'm watching. I think it's something about turtles?

I can't stop thinking about that date. I mean, Sam and I are literally the same exact person, except for the fact that he's a guy and I'm a girl. We both have weird, awkward humor and are both crazy. Those are the things that stood out to me, but we also have so many little things in common.

Like how we both share the love for cheesecake.

But I don't think I can really see myself with Sam. We're too similar, and while many people think that would make us work out as a couple, I don't think it would. We'd probably get bored of each other. I like learning about the things people like, especially if they're different from my interests. And if we're both so crazy, how would there be a balance between us? There needs to be a balance! In every relationship there's supposed to be the crazy and fun one and the calm one that keeps the other out of trouble.

Like Liam and I. I'm the crazy one and he's the calm one - that's why we can be such good friends. It's not even that he's boring or a stick in the mud, but he's more level than I am. He keeps me in check and without him I'd probably do some really insane things that I would regret later.

But then again, Sam's so awesome. I can't just let someone as good as he is slip by, can I? I can't exactly get picky.

I just need him to be like Liam and be a little less crazy than me. He's similar to Liam in so many ways, why can't he just be similar to Liam in this too? Ugh. The struggle.


this chapter has a really awkward start and ending. and it's super short. sorry about that.

christmas is literally day after tomorrow and I'm freaking out. i think i'm going to push the deadline for this to end a little further... probably new years!

anyway... there's a picture of Josie on the side! that's how i picture her, except with curlier hair! is that how you pictured her?

please comment & vote! thanks for reading!



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