Chapter 2

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I fall during the process of putting on my leggings. But I get back up with dignity, brush off my shoulders, hold my head up high, and proceed to put on my oversized Christmas sweater.

One could say I have bad balance, and I'd probably agree. I always fall. But it's also really early right now, so I guess I can cut myself some slack.

I slide on my Uggs (without falling, thank you very much) and head next door. I unlock Liam's door with the spare key he gave me. I have no idea why he gave me a key - he should've known that I'd abuse the use of it and ruin his life.

"Liam, Liam, Liam!" I yell out, hoping he's asleep and that I am waking him up. By his answer of a girly shriek, I figure that I did indeed wake him up. Score.

"Who's there?" He comes running out of his bedroom in his boxers.

"It's obviously Santa. Can't you tell? Nice underwear, by the way."

"Thanks. Um, why are you here? Food?"

I scoff, "I don't only come here for food, gosh! I'm here to decorate for Christmas, obviously."

"It's early, though..."

"Nobody cares. Go un-naked-ify yourself and then come out so we can go get our decorations from the basement."

"Let me sleep because you love meeeee," he whines.

"I don't even like you!" I tease. "And we have to do this now! If we don't do it today then I know something will come up for you. You'll have an interview, a signing, a meet and greet, a concert, anything! Then you'll never be able to decorate it. Face it, an undecorated flat is a depressing flat. Will you please decorate now? For your best friend in the entire world that you love dearly because she's awesome and is perfect?" I say, trying my best to try sincere.

He smiles before trotting back into his room. He comes out only a minute or two later. We make our way down to the basement and take boxes of decorations out from storage. He doesn't have any, but I have so much that there's enough for both of us. I even have two little mini Christmas tree! I obviously bought two in case one broke and I needed one last minute. That's me - always planning ahead (feel free to note my heavy sarcasm).

I let Liam take most of the boxes up since he had arm strength and I have arm flab.

We put the desired boxes in the desired rooms, and start decorating Liam's first. I turn on some Christmas music to get into the mood.

"Last Christmas I have you my heart, and the very next day, you gave it away!" I belt out. Liam doesn't even bother to send me a weird look - he's used to me. "This year, to save me some tears, I'll give it to someone special!"

I help Liam set up the mini tree and we begin to decorate with some lights and ornaments. I have way to many decorations...

"So wait, what's the point of decorating my flat if I'm the only one that lives here?"

"There's a point to everything, young child."

"I'm older than you!"

"Nuh-uh! You're nineteen and I'm nineteen!"

"My birthday is in August, though. Yours is in October."

"Have I ever told you that I hate you?"

"Quite a bit, actually. But you've also told me that you loooove me."

"You make me want to eat babies."


"I'm normal. Stop looking at me like that."

After finishing the tree, which ends up looking perfect, we place small decorations around the room. Then we do it all over again in my flat. When we're done, we crash at Liam's place.

We plop down on the couch and he grabs the clicker. "Reality TV?" He asks.

I reply, "But of course. What's a day without seeing what the Kardashians are up to?"

"It's not a day."

"You get me."

"Speaking of getting you...what do you want for Christmas?"

"I thought we already discussed this - a baby narwhal, obviously."

"Seriously, though."

"I don't know. Food? I don't really care, as long as its not a needle or a bird," I say.

"I will never understand your fears."

"Said the one who's afraid of spoons?"

He blinks. I blink. We both blink again. Then he breaks the silence saying, "Kardashians?"



Hey! Sorry this update took a while :( but I'm gonna upload another chapter later!

It's short, but tell me what you thought! Comment && vote if you liked it! :) xoxo


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