4 - Picnics and Breadsticks

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Yang rushed back to her dorm room in complete and utter glee. She never expected that the shy girl would accept her offer, but here she was, rummaging around for gym clothes while simultaneously gazing upon the plethora of items in the kitchen's three star fridge. She knew how to cook up dozens of items from scratch, due to her experience on her father's farm as a child, but she decided to go with a more simple layout that didn't seem to over the top for her raven haired friend.

"Okay... red blanket, 3 tuna sandwiches, 3 steak and lettuce sandwiches and four small custard tarts. There, thats enough!" Yang spoke to herself, gazing upon the items that were neatly wrapped and placed in a small sized woven basket, that accustomed a light brown paint, freshly coated in a shiny embrace, and a small esky-like box for the beverages and desserts.

"You know, if you were going on a date, you could've TOLD ME!" Ruby's high voice cracking snapped Yang out of her rushed state, making her jump in surprise.

"Holy mackerel, Rubes! For the record it ISN'T a date, it's for our assignment. Anyways, what are you doing here?" The tall blonde girl asked in a flustered tone, throwing over her white tank top an oversized, black hoodie that travelled down to her waist. 

The purple eyed girl rummaged through the pockets in her blue boxing shorts, placing her dorm room key inside, before slinging her gym bag over her shoulder and heading towards the picnic accessories that sat on the kitchen counter still.

"Hey Yang! Sorry about that- uh, I was just coming back to grab a textbook as I'm heading to the library. I don't want to let Weiss down- I know she's super mean and scary and all and I totally am NOT scared of her but uh-"

Yang raised an eyebrow at her younger sister.

"Uh- I just WANT to prove to her that I can do this! I want to be her friend, she seems lonely." Ruby looked down at her shoes shyly as her older sister passed her. Yang, with all of her hands full of things, knelt down to whisper in Ruby's left ear.

"I understand, Rubes. You are a good person, you have a great heart. Also- could you maybe close and lock the door for me? My hands are- quite full."

Ruby laughed at her sister's struggle and did as she asked, watching her walk out the door. When she finally knew she was alone, she let out a large sigh and rubbed her eyes irritatingly.

"I am so screwed. Screwed, screwed, screwed."


Yang let the punches consume her, she let her arms flow in a rhythm that takes one person years to master. Her clenched fists only tightened more out of determination as the punching bag in front of her, weighted to the ground, swung back and forth due to her weight. 

She was used to this. The adrenaline running through her veins as she focused on the target in front of her. Her arms lifted up in a defensive position that was like a second nature to her. She was good at this, she knew that, but she still ached to improve with every punch, every movement, every kick.

With a final large groan, she let out a head height hook kick off of her right leg. Feeling the bag crumple and move back with a silent 'oof', made it all worth the while. A timer then rung through her ears as she let out a large breath. Her second final round was over, there was only one more to go.

She walked over and took an expeditious sip of water from her metallic litre sized water bottle. It was quite a bland, black colour, but Yang never really minded it.

The blonde took a few deep breaths in and felt the heartbeat in her ears slowly loosen and sliver away and back to a normal pace. A new feeling of survival and a rush of new adrenaline then began to shiver up the boxer's spine, and she knew it was time for her final round. Another twenty minutes, and she'd see Blake.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2021 ⏰

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