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I probably looked like one of those crazy girls, the ones that get mad at their boyfriends for talking to another girl and then drag them out of parties to yell at them on the front lawn.

In a twisted way I wished that was the only problem I had. Not that I wanted Riley to flirt with other girls but it sure beat the pounding in my chest and the immediate cold feeling all over my body.

We got through the door as I squeezed Riley's hand. He squeezed it back, probably thinking I was being sentimental, when the reality was that I needed to feel that he was still behind me.

As we walked our onto the front porch area some drunk idiot slammed into me from the side, separating my hand from Riley's and sending me tumbling into a hard body.

I didn't have time to process it before Riley was shoving the guy and I was left staring at the sole provider of all my nightmares.

I recoiled off his body as if touching him physically hurt me.
"What's up Britt? It's been a while?" He grinned making my stomach turn. "Nice dress, it really shows off those legs."

"Don't fucking talk to me!" I yelled.
"Come on Britt, are you still sour about what happened?" He said grabbing my arms so hard they hurt.

I froze. I knew Riley was behind me, still arguing with the guy that shoved me, but I couldn't move.

"D..don't touch me!" I said as my voice cracked.

"You should know one thing about me Britt. I wanted you back then, I still do and I always get what I want. Always." He muttered as his breath fanned my face.

My body had started shaking involuntarily and he seemed to be enjoying it. As if my fear of him was some kind of sick turn on.

"Get of me!" I cried weakly, my voice almost unheard over the music coming from inside.

I could hear some commotion behind me that sounded like someone telling Riley to turn and look at me, but I couldn't process it before I heard him.

"Get your fucking hands off her!" Riley yelled jerking me away from carl and folding me into his chest. "Don't ever touch her again!" He warned.

"Or what? I can't believe you're still even with this guy." Carl grinned as if this were a game.
"Or you'll have me to deal with!" Suddenly Kyles voice came from behind Riley.

"Can we just go? Please?" I looked up at Riley who looked ready to fight. His eyes softened when they connected with mine and he gave a brief nod.

He didn't say anything but pulled me away and down the steps away from the party.

"I'll see you soon Britt!" I heard Carl laugh as Riley continued to pull me down the driveway to his car.

He didn't say anything as he opened the door and I sat down, still crying and shaking uncontrollably. He swiftly started the car and drove out of the driveway.

I wasn't sure where he was taking me but it definitely wasn't back to either of our houses. I pulled my knees up on the chair and hugged them tightly to my chest, resting my head on my knees to face away from Riley.

I hadn't even realized the car had stopped until I heard the clicking of a seatbelt and then my door opening.

"Come here." He said lifting me out of the car before sitting down with me folded in his arms. "I'm sorry, I should have been focused on you not that stupid idiot that fell into you!" He apologized.

I couldn't find the words to speak, every time I opened my mouth to try more sobs poured out as the weight of what happened hit me head on.

Riley just sat quietly, holding me while rubbing my back. I knew I would need to thank him later, thank him for being the one person who knew what I needed even if I didn't say it.

For right now, all I wanted was for him to never let go of me. As the shaking calmed down I held onto him tighter, as if he would disappear if I let go. When my breathing became less frantic he ran one hand over my head before tilting my face up to look at him.

"Hey," he smiled.
"Hey," I chuckled as I sniffled.
"You know we need to tell your parents." He said.
"I can't Riley." I shook my head.
"No Riley. Please. I just want to forget about him and get over it. You are the only person that knows everything and that's how it needs to stay!" I said.

He let out a deep sigh before reluctantly agreeing. "Can you promise me that if he tries anything you'll tell me?" He added.
"I promise!" I agreed, hugging him tightly.

He rested his chin on top of my head as I finally looked at where we were.

"You came to the grocery store?" I asked him as a smile crept on my face.
"Well I figured it was the last place anyone would come looking and I was right ." He smiled.

I looked back up at him, smiling down at me the way he always does. Sometimes I didn't know if someone could love anyone the way I love him, but in moments like this, when he looked at me like that, I knew we were both on equal territory when it came to how deep our love truly went.

"Can we go home?" I asked.
"Yeah, let's go." He smiled helping me up before getting up from the parking lot tarmac.

He held onto my hand the whole way back, periodically bringing my hand to his lips to place tender kisses on my knuckles.

We didn't speak until we got back to his house. Everyone was asleep except for his dad who was waiting in the living room as we walked in.

"How was your night?" He asked, his smile turning to a frown when he looked at my smeared makeup. "What did you do?"

"It wasn't me dad!" Riley defended himself.
"It wasn't him, we ran into someone at the party that I didn't want to be around." I replied vaguely.

"Riley why don't you go run Britt a nice bubble bath, it will probably make her feel better, it's fine, I'll keep her company." Spencer said as Riley turned to me.

"Actually a bath does sound good, but can you add extra bubbles?" I asked giving him a small nod before he disappeared upstairs.

I walked in the living room and sat beside his dad on the couch.

"So Britt, me and Averleigh were talking and we wanted to share something with you that only your parents know. What you do with it is up to you but I thought it would help with what you have going on." He began.

"What's up uncle Spence?" I asked as he put an arm around my shoulder and I had to fight the instinct to jerk away.

"So when me and Averleigh dated, before we got married, she was assaulted. Now I don't know exactly what happened with you but I can tell you that Averleigh still struggles to really talk about it. It was almost like she was here but not here. There were days she couldn't leave the house and there were days she couldn't even get out of bed. Anyway the point is, the more power you give people, the easier it is to let them destroy your life. Sometimes you have to let it out to close the bad chapter and continue with all the other good ones." He said.

"I know, it's just hard. I'm trying though. I don't want anything to come between me and Riley." I admitted.

"Hopefully nothing will, but Britt sometimes things happen for a reason. What happened to Averleigh made her stronger overall, but I almost lost her. Just promise that if you need anything you'll reach out to us or your parents? I promise I will only involve myself if you ask and only so as much as you're willing too."

"Thanks uncle Spence." I smiled as Riley called down the stairs. I have Spencer a hug before heading upstairs to my awaiting bubble bath.

When I walked into the bathroom I was blown away. Candles were lit on the countertops, bubbles and steam filled the room which smelled like lavender.

"You did all this?" I turned around with tears brimming my eyes, blown away.
"Yes but don't cry! I just want you to relax and when you're done I want to hold you all night." He smiled as I leaned up to kiss him.

Just as he requested I slipped into the bathtub and laid back relaxing my body and my mind. Then I quickly slipped on one of his shirts and climbed under the covers into his arms.

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