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The days following Christmas were just like old times. Our families were together everyday, soaking up the last few days before my parents left for Tennessee.

Luke and Allie had brought their stuff over the day after Christmas so they could get settled, and while I was excited for my parents; I was also nervous for how living with Riley's aunt and uncle was going to be.

The day before New Year's Eve everyone gathered to say goodbye to my parents who wanted to get to their new house to celebrate the new year.

"We love you Britt, we're only a call away!" Mom said folding me in her arms

"Love you too!" I smiled as I hugged both my parents.

Bailey and mom were the last to say goodbye and that's when the tears started. It was weird to watch my mom and Riley's mom crying together, but it also made me realize just how strong their friendship was.

When my parents finally got in the car we all waved as they pulled away. Riley folded me in his arms tightly and held me while I tried to calm the wave of emotions circling my body.

"Can we go inside?" I asked.

"Yeah." He replied.

After a quick goodbye to his parents and siblings we went into my house. It felt so much bigger, emptier somehow, as we sat on the couch and turned on the TV.

Later that night we were cuddled up in my bed, my head on his chest as we silently just drew pictures in the air, trying to guess what the other drew.

"Star!" I smiled, taking his finger and attempting to draw a football.

"Egg?" He chuckled.

"Guess again."


I giggled "no it's a football!".

We continued the game for a while until we heard the bedroom door close down the hall. The signal that Luke and Allie were going to bed. It would definitely take some getting used too, having them here, but I reminded myself to stay positive and closed my eyes.

When I woke up the next morning there was no smell of breakfast running through my nostrils like there usually would be. That's when it finally hit me that my parents were gone and from now on I needed to take care of myself — with the guidance of Allie and Luke.

I climbed out of bed and pulled on some pajama shorts and a tank top and walked down to the kitchen. I grabbed a can of coke from the fridge and turned around letting out a scream.

"Luke! You scared the life out of me!" I gasped.

"Sorry. That's some breakfast?" He smiled.

"Yeah well my parents usually cooked breakfast, so I guess I have some things to figure out." I shrugged.

"Well I'm about to scramble some eggs for Allie. I can make you and Riley some?"

"Please! Thank you!"

"No problem! Go get him up and meet us both down here in thirty minutes."

"Thanks uncle Luke, you're the best!"

After Riley was awake we all sat at the kitchen table to eat breakfast for the first time together. It wasn't as weird or awkward as I thought it would be and honestly it felt more like how I assumed having roommates would feel.

"So what are you guys getting up to tonight for New Years?" Allie asked.

"Well my best friend is throwing a party but I don't know if we are going to go. I didn't ask Britt about it yet." Riley admitted looking slightly flushed.

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