chap. 1

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It was a cold and gloomy Sunday morning in New York City, but the city was still bustling with life. The sounds of the cars, vendors, traffic, and chatter never stopped. New York City was known as the city that never sleeps, a nickname that became popular from the use of Frank Sinatra, and it fit perfectly. New York City is seen as a city full of opportunity and success, but the reality of it is it's only that for those who put in the work.

Olivia Grey, an eighteen-year-old actress, had lived in New York her whole life, but had moved to the city when she was thirteen. Growing up she'd always been interested in theatre and acting, landing lead roles in the school plays and community theatre groups. She begged her parents to put her through acting lessons so she could sign with an agency. Her parents agreed, and after months of long nights, hard work, and getting her headshots, she finally signed with an agency at eleven.

The acting industry wasn't exactly like she had imagined. Olivia didn't land every role like she had when it came to local productions or short films, casting directors could be cruel, co-stars weren't always the nicest, and the days of filming were long. But she still loved it. The first year of her acting career, she only landed a handful of commercial gigs, two very small roles in a movie, and worked on some student films. As she got older, Olvia started auditioning for all sorts of roles and even did a few modeling gigs. The drive to New York City for in-person auditions and the filming of productions became too much for her parents, so they packed it up and moved into a townhouse in the city.

Five years later, she'd become a somewhat well-known actress, mainly known by Broadway geeks. Not many people knew who she was, there was an occasional "Hey you're that one girl from that one movie!" or "Hey you're that girl from that one musical!" every other day. She'd been in some musicals and few smaller movies, but nothing huge, just some minor characters.
But her life was about to change very soon.

She got up out of bed and got ready for the day, putting on some jeans, a shirt which she tucked in, and put a Brixton flannel on. After putting on some natural makeup, she didn't like putting on "too" much, brushing her teeth, and combing out her hair, Olvia headed downstairs to greet her parents and grab some breakfast. Her father was reading the paper like some old geezer, and her mother was pulling muffins out of the oven. Every Sunday morning her mother would make Olivia's favorite muffins, chocolate chips, basic but delicious!

"Goodmorning mum!" Olvia said in a British accent, laughing.

"Morning darling!" Her mother replied in the same accent.

When taking acting lessons as a child and continuing them into adulthood, she had learned how to speak in many different accents which can be useful for all sorts of films and productions. Olivia's favorite had to be a British and German accent, they were just so fun to talk in.

Her father put down his paper, "You heading out today Dolittle?" Dolittle was a nickname her father had given to her, for besides her love and passion for acting, animals were her favorite thing in the world, and as a child, she swore she could talk to them like Dr. Dolitte.

"I sure am pops! I have a few errands to run."

"Well can you take Finnick out with you? He's been dying to go out." He pointed down at the German shepherd laying at his feet. Finnick was named after Finnick Odair from the book and movie series, The Hunger Games. Olivia enjoyed reading and would imagine herself in the books as she read, or would create scenarios in her head as if she were in the book. That's why she loved acting so much, she could be whatever she wanted to be.

"Sure thing! Let me just go grab his vest."

Olivia walked over to the hooks on the wall, grabbed his leash and vest that had a few tactical patches on it. Finnick was a retired military K9 her family had adopted. He was kind of popular, everyone loved to stop and ask a ton of questions whenever Olivia took him to the park.

"Alright, old buddy let's get on moving!" The dog walked on over to her and she fitted his vest on and clipped the leash to it. "See you guys in a bit!" Olivia said as she stuffed her face with one of her mom's muffins.

She opened the door and stepped outside, closing it behind her, and was off! "What adventures will today bring us huh bud?" She patted the dog's head.

Hope you enjoyed this first chapter, I know it's a slow one and Tom hasn't been introduced just yet, but I promise next chapter he will be. I really enjoyed writing this chapter though! So you could all get an idea about Olivia and her past. :)

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