chap. 3

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    Tom walked back to the hotel he, his father, and his twin brothers were staying at. They were in New York for about a week. Dominic, Tom's father, wanted to take Tom on quick vacation to calm Tom's jitters about the auditions. The twins, Harry and Sam, and the youngest Paddy begged if they could tag along, but only Harry and Sam were able to go, for Paddy had to help take care of Tessa  and their mother, Nikki, said it's a "Big Boys Trip."

    When he arrived back at the hotel, Harry and Sam were sitting in the lobby, probably catching up on some school work. They looked up and saw Tom standing over them.

    His two brothers whisper yelled at him.
"Where the hell were you Tommy?"
    "You've been gone all day!"

"Jeez guys calm down. I'm an adult, I can wander off if I want." He grinned at them and sat on the sofa next to them. "So, I met a girl. But before you continue, no, I'm not totally crushing over her and in love with her like you two always assume. She's pretty cool! Her name is Olivia, Olivia Grey, and she also auditioned for a Marvel role. Uhhh we're hanging out tomorrow, I told her that I'm here with my father and two brother's and she suggested you two come along with us." He leaned forward with his hands, palms down, on his knees.

"Woah that was a lot." Sam chuckled.

"Well, I mean sure I guess we can hang with you two. We just have some schoolwork to finish up." Harry added.

"Yeah, we can go," Sam looked at his twin and a playful grin was plastered on his face, Sam nodded, "But are you sure we won't ruin your time with your new girlfriend?!" The both started giggling like little boys. Tom shaking his head. The rest of the night they teased Tom about this girl, Olivia Grey.


    The next morning, Tom woke up bright and early, before the sun rose! He and Olivia had a lot of things planned for the day. Today was "Tourist Day", is what Olivia called it. They were going to go to tons of museums, restaurants, buildings, and other sights all tourists vacationing typically went to go see. The rest of the week, Olivia promised Tom to show him the rest of New York City, but the local things! She wanted to show him her favourite vendors, food trucks, shops, streets, and all of the above.
    Waking up Harry and Sam, he hushed them before they started to whine and complain that it was too early. They each gathered their stuff needed for the day, portable chargers, water, a jacket, and a few snacks. Harry packed his camera and extra lenses, he wanted to make the most out of today and get a ton of neat shots.

    Olivia planned to meet them in the front of their hotel. When she arrived, she saw all three boys waiting for her.

    "Hey Olivia! Oh, these are my brothers Sam and Harry, they're twins, like I had mentioned yesterday." He stepped aside so his brothers and her could shake hands and greet each other.

    "Harry, it's real nice to meet cha!" He shook her hand and smiled.

    Shaking her hand, Sam of course had to crack a joke, "I'm Sam! I guess you're the girl Tom here wouldn't shut his trap about." He and Harry both laughed, but yelling "Ow!" when Tom hit them both on the back of their heads. Olivia just laughed at the scene taking place.

    The group walked through the streets, making their way to an art museum. Harry and Sam walked ahead while Tom and Olivia trailed a little behind them. Tom looked over at Olivia and opened his mouth to say something, closed it, and just enjoyed the comfortable silence between them. He was glad to have made a new friend, especially a friend who was in the acting industry and had many similarities.

    The week soon came to an end, and Tom and Olivia promised to continue to keep in touch, hoping to see each other on the set of a Marvel movie. Olivia went to the airport to watch the boys and their father leave to fly back home. She and Tom shared a moment, with silence and hugs, as he went through TSA, she yelled out to him "See you soon Spider-Man!"

    Olivia went back to the bookstore where she and Tom had met. She sat in one of the couches, picking up a Marvel comic and smiling to herself as she read it.

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