chap. 2

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Olivia and her dog, Finnick, walked around hitting all the places she needed to and completing errands. There was a dress she had to pick up from the dry cleaners, dog food at one of the local pet shops, and she had a couple of friends she needed to see.

The friends she made were through acting classes, improve groups, student films, and Broadway musicals she had been apart of. There are a few friends she made through commercials and other gigs like so, but the friendships fell off and she didn't keep in touch with them as much as she'd like to. Olivia had no school friends for, after her freshman year of high school, she started online school (homeschool) so she was more enabled to go to auditions and productions she needed to film. She technically would still be a senior, but with online school, she was able to finish her senior year early.

Her last errand was to go on down to her favorite bookstore, she wanted to pick up a handful of books for some personal reading. She enjoyed reading all sorts of books, especially on the history of acting.

    "We're here Finnick! But first, we have to ask Al if you can go in, usually, only service dogs are allowed, and you sir are not a service dog." She peeked her head inside the door and called for the store owner Al. Al was a short old man who had a head of white hair. He wore a plaid shirt with a vest over it. His face was wrinkly and old, and there was a pair of circular glasses on his face. "Hey Al how are you?!" Olivia yelled out.

The store owner turned around to face her and smiled. "I'm doing just fine. How are you, young lady? Any new big projects coming up?" He asked walking over to her.

"I'm good! Nothing new yet, I have a couple of auditions coming up and I haven't heard anything back from my agent about that Marvel audition. Hey, I was wondering, is it okay if Finnick comes in? I have some books I want to get and don't want to leave him outside. If not it's totally fine."

"Sure, the old pal can come on in, he'll keep the customers happy." Al motioned the pair to come in and bent down to pat the dog's head.

Olivia let Al off his leash and he roamed around the book store, walking up to shoppers just staring at them interested in what they were doing. Dog's are funny animals, sometimes they're like little children who are furry and can't speak. Always so nosy and just hilarious!

Finnick walked up to a boy who looked around the same age as Olivia. The boy was around five foot eight, brown hair, and was slim, not muscular or super skinny, just slim. He was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt, nothing too fancy. The boy was rummaging through some comics, specifically Marvel comics.

"Ah, here we go, Spider-Man!" He definitely wasn't from America, for he had a British accent. He smiled and look down at the few Spider-Man comic books he held in his hands. The boy seemed awfully proud to have found them. He then looked down at Finnick and warmly smiled. "What are you doing just staring at me, mate? You want a snack or something? Come on let's go see if the storekeeper has a biscuit for you, or better yet let's find your owner." He looked at his vest and saw the patches on them. "Military K9 huh? You must be reallll important. I'm not American so it'd be kind of weird if I thanked you for your service, but maybe one day I'll live here, and then I'll find you again and thank you." The two of them walked up to the front where the counter was and saw a jar of dog treats. Reading the little sign next to them that said 'Take one!' he grabbed a treat and put it in front of the dog's nose. "What's your name?" Taking a look at the name tag on his collar, "Ah well hello Finnick, it's great to meet you. Do you give high fives? Can I have a paw?" He stuck his hand out and the dog immediately put his paw on his hand. "Well done mate, you're some dog!"

Olivia kept hearing her dog's name and was wondering who was with him. Whoever was talking to Finnick sure was sweet, she'd never once heard someone interact with him like that. She walked towards the person's voice in hopes to meet whoever they were, when she found the pair she smiled softly at the scene. Finnick saw Olivia and ran up to her.

"Oh, you must be his owner, nice to meet you I'm Thomas! But you can call me Tom, that's what everyone calls me." He stuck out his hand, and she took his and shook it.

    "Well, it's nice to meet you, Tom. I'm Olivia, and well you can call me Liv. Nobody calls me that but you can be the first."

    "Hey wait I recognize you! You're Olivia Grey, weren't you on Les Mis? I follow you on Instagram." He laughed, blushing from embarrassment, hoping she wasn't weirded out.

    "Yeah, that's me! I follow you on Instagram too, you were Lucas in The Impossible right? I really loved the movie, your acting was phenomenal."

    "Thank you so much, I appreciate that a ton!"

    "What's with all the Spider-Man comic books? You auditioning for Spider-Man or something?" Olivia laughed at her own joke.

    Tom shuffled his feet and scratched his head, "Well kinda I guess." He wasn't supposed to share any information about the audition but although he was an actor, he always somehow spoiled things as wasn't the best at lying.

    "No way! That's super sick. I auditioned for a Marvel role too, we can be Marvel buddies. I made it to all the callbacks, but I haven't heard anything from my agent though, so I doubt I'll make it to the screen test." Olivia said in a hushed tone trying not to draw any attention.

    "Really? Me too. I hope I make it to the screen test, even if I don't get the role it'll still be absolutely insane that I had this opportunity."

    "Hey, how about I show you around, maybe we can go see a musical of some sort, I'm friends with the cast of basically all the shows currently playing, so I can see if I can snag a couple tickets."

    "That sounds awesome! It'll remind me of my Billy Elliot times." He smiled at her.

    "Alrighty let's pay for these books and your comics, I'll drop off Finnick back at my house then we can stroll around the big city."

    The two paid for their stuff and made their way to Olivia's house to drop Finnick off. Her parents weren't home for they were at work. The rest of the day was filled with laughs and chatter, lots of selfies, and subway rides. After their fun-filled day, Tom walked Olivia back to her house.  They exchanged numbers and made plans to hangout again.



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olivia.grey : look who i ran into today!
👥 : @tomholland2013

@user1 : whattt! tom holland!
@user2 : isn't that billy elliott!

hoped you liked this chapter! also i'll be using random pictures off pinterest and insta for these instagram posts!

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