Chapter 30 - New Beginning Or Wait For You?

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One Direction - Irresistible 

**Austin POV**

**2 weeks later**

Sadly I’m back in San Antonio in Alex’s car driving to his house. Dave, Alex and I got to Alex’s house from the airport and we sat in his kitchen eating munchkins. While My mom and Alex’s mom caught up on things in the living room… Just being in here brings back memories from last week.

I decided to text Robert and Kendra saying not to go to my concert tonight because I’d rather not see them at all. I’m clearly still not over this whole situation, who would be!?

“So have you talked to Kendra at all?” Alex asked.

“Hell no! I never want to talk to her… Well at least for awhile. She call me all the time wanting to talk but I never answer.”

“I think it’s crazy that you haven’t talked to her these past weeks, I thought you would have cracked by now.” Dave said.

“I thought you would have cracked too! You use to talk to her and about her nonstop!” Alex said agreeing.

“Well thanks for believing I would have cracked guys I appreciate it… but I’m going to go get ready for tonight’s show.”

“Have fun with that!” Alex said still eating his munchkins.

**Kendra’s POV**
It’s been two weeks, two weeks and Austin still hasn’t talked to me or answered any of my calls. The only texts I’ve gotten from him were saying to leave him alone or he doesn’t want to talk or to give him space. It sucks when you love someone of much but they want nothing to do with you…

Today I got a text from him saying not to go to tonight’s show… But I’m still going to go I want to see him before he goes on I don’t care what he’s texts me. Plus I have tickets why wouldn’t I go?

I started to get ready because there was an hour till the concert starts. I went to my closet and picked highwaisted red short, a black loose shirt, with a denim jacket and converse [picture on the side… it sounds weird but looks WAY cuter in the picture!] I put my hair in a messy bun and was ready to go! I can’t wait to see him tonight; I’ve missed him SO much!

I grabbed my keys and ran out the door and drove off to the concert. By the time I got to the concert there was already a lot of mahomies waiting for Austin tonight. I got my backstage pass and went backstage to surprise Austin. I got to Austin dressing room and there he was looking cuter then ever having a laugh with Alex.

“Hey guys!” I said getting they’re attention. When they saw me their mouths dropped. I wasn’t expecting to surprise Alex too but hey I did it!

“What the hell are you doing here!? Did you not get my text?” Austin asked so quickly.

“Yeah I did but I thought I’d come anyways…”

“I’ll leave you two alone.” Alex said getting up and closing the door behind him.

“So what do you want? Why did you come here?” Austin asked in a mad tone.

“I wanted to see you, and I thought you would want to see me too.”

“Are you out of your right mind!? I’ve been ignoring your calls and texts because I want time for myself and I’ve made that very clear when I left San Antonio 2 weeks ago!” I was speechless from his hurtful words. “What you did with Robert really hurt me, you don’t even understand the pain I’m going through Kendra… You should just leave because I want nothing to do with you.”

My eye filled with tears and my heart raced faster. I left his dressing room and walked with my head down so no one could see the pain in my eyes.

When I was walking outside some mahomies recognized me and asked for a picture or why I’m leaving or if I’m still dating Austin. I ignored all there question and kept walking.

I got to my car and drove home in pain and agony.

**Austin POV**

After Kendra left Alex in right away and asked “Whoa dude what happened!? Kenny walked out like if she wanted to cry..”

“Basically what happened was….” I explain what happened and his mouth dropped.

“So I guess you guys are officially over…” Alex said shocked.

“I guess you can say that… It just hurts so much! I loved her so much and I helped her out with the David and Mason situation and this is how she repays me! I’m just done trying.”

“Austin you’re on in three come on hurry!” My mom said. I got up and walked next to the stage entrance waiting for my cue to go on.


it’s 11:11 make a wish make a wish and say

  I sang running out on stage everyone in the crowd started yelling and screaming and I sang the rest of the song.

The night went on and I had one last song to sing. “I have one last song to sing for you guys.”

“Awwwwwww” the crowd said in a sad tone.

“Sorry guys but I have to go sometime! Haha… Tonight was a lot of fun so thank you I wasn’t in the best mode today and you guys changed that so thank you! The last song is SAY SOMETHIN!!!!”

♫I see you walk by
Extra fly
Baby where you going?
Can I roll? (Is it cool if I come with you, baby?)

Livin' beach life Feelin' right
You're the hottest everybody knows
Oh oh

Burnin' up, burnin' up
Show 'em what you got
Yeah you got it baby
Let it show
Uh ha

Turn it up, turn it up
Let me know what's up
Don't just stand there
Girl, I gotta know
Uh ha

Say somethin'
If you're feelin' the vibe
Say somethin'
Baby don't be so shy
Say somethin'
Cause you're all in my head like
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Yeah, yeah
Say somethin'
Cause you're driving me crazy
Say somethin'
Cause you're driving me wild
Say somethin'
The way you're working it baby
It's oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Yeah, yeah

When we talk, girl, fireworks
Something like the 4th of July

You're super hot
Fire hot
Something like the sun in the sky (pretty hot babe)♫ ...and so on…..

“Thank you everyone love you with all my heart!” After that I ran off stage ready to leave back home.

I looked at my phone and saw I had a text from Kendra. I opened and it read ‘sorry for being such a bother to you this will be my last text to you ever! You’ll never have to see or hear from me again… And just letting you know I will love you forever.’

A tear slipped from my eye and I just put my phone away. I was ready for today to over!

**Kendra’s POV**

I cried my eyes out in my pillow. Maybe I should listen to Kylie and move on and find someone else that isn’t Austin. I know it’s going to be really tough to forget what we had but maybe I could try new things I like.

Starting tomorrow I’m going to be a me I don’t care what anyone says.

I Hope You Come True (Austin Mahone fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora