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Catra and DT made there way over to the hall for orientation. Catra hated it. It was boring and took forever.

As they were walking some kid in a white and red body suit sakes past them on a skateboard almost knocking into them.

"Look out coming through." He said as he passed. He almost ran into some nerdy looking girl with short black hair who was completely distracted by her game to notice the boy barrelling towards her.

"Marcy look out!" A girl yelled as she scooped the distracted nerd up by her waist and pulled her close. The girl had big fluffy brown hair that Catra swore she saw a twig sticking out of.

"Oh wow thanks Anne." The girl said as she looked back at her friend. She then gave an exaggerated faint and fell back so that Anne was forced to catch her. "My hero." She said which made the brown haired girl blush and the nerdy girl giggle.

"Ugh disgusting." Catra groaned as she passed "can't people keep their little romantic banter away from me."

"Oh cmon kitten no need to be so cynical." DT responded. "It's just some harmless young love" They continued.

"There is harm. It harms me as i don't want to see it." Catra hissed back.

As the two got into the hall they sat down and mentally prepared themselves for the boring lecture.

"Hello and welcome to another year and our wonderful school." The headteacher began. He was a tall man with white hair, small glasses, a black coat with a green scarf around his neck. "As most of you will know I am your headmaster Ozpin. I am also the form tutor for form RWBY."

Catra rolled her eyes. "Great we have to listen to the whole form system crap again." She whispered to DT. Catra looked around to see the same small girl that had bumped into her earlier looking incredibly excited. And next her was... "Adora."

"For those of us just joining us I will explain the form system." Ozpin continued. "Each of you will be a part of a form, at the beginning of the day you shall go to this form before your first lesson and you will go there at the end of lunch as well. This form time is a chance to catch up with homework or just to relax before the day starts and before your afternoon lessons. Please do take these forms seriously as attendance is mandatory."

Catra scoffed. If there was any period she was gonna skip it wasn't going to be the one where she didn't have to do any work, it'd be an actual lesson she hates. Which is most of them.

"Now as I previously mentioned I am the form tutor for form RWBY. Your form tutor is someone you can confide in if anything is bothering you about school or your personal life."

Catra rolled her eyes again, her form tutor, Angella, wasn't exactly someone Catra would trust with her issues.

"Now allow me to introduce the other tutors at this school. First you have assistant principal Bumb, tutor for the TOH form. Tenzin of the LOK form. Ozai of the ATLA form. White Diamond for the SU form."

As the headteacher kept introducing the form tutors as they stepped forward Catra began to zone out. She wasn't particularly interested in the form tutors as they were all the same as last year. Well all except for one.

"Finally the SPOP (she-ra and the princesses of power) form we have a new tutor." At this Catra suddenly perked up.
"Angella is gone?" She thought to herself. Sure she had never particularly liked Angella but she was good enough at what she did that Catra was surprised to see her replaced. And she was filled with dread when she heard her replacement.

"Introducing our new member of staff, and the new form tutor for this form."

"Shadow weaver"


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