Part 7 - PrepFor Test #A1

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"I told you, dare." said Richelle.

"Oh I got one" said Kenzie
"Do what you wanted to do yesterday"


"I'm sorry, what?" asked Richelle nervously.

"You know, you and Ozzy" said Kenzie. "Yesterday, don't you remember?"

"Uhh there's a lot happened yesterday, what thing are you talking about exactly?" interrupted Ozzy nervously knowing Richelle wouldn't want A-Troupe to know what almost happened yesterday.

"The duet. You said that you wanted to choreograph a duet with Ozzy for Noah when he comes here to show him how far you both have become in musical dances." said Kenzie, winking.

"Richelle didn't tell me" said Ozzy.

"oh I did, and you said yes. Remember?" acted Richelle doesn't really understand what Kenzie is doing but decided to play along. "Of course you don't, but you did say yes."

"I really don't-" said Ozzy, interrupted by Richelle, "The pizza's here, Ozzy will you get that please?"

"Sure, Kingston let's go" said Ozzy inviting Kinston to go with him. They both ran downstairs to get the pizzas.

Finn is confused and he said,
"You knew Noah was coming here today?"

"No" denied Richelle staring at Kenzie telling her to cover for her.

"Oh did I say 'when Noah comes'? I meant 'if Noah comes', sorry got a little confused." lied Kenzie.

"PIZZAS!" yelled Kingston walking into Studio A with Ozzy behind him, "why did you order 5 boxes, we won't eat all of it"

"Yes ve vill" replied Amy still with the thick Swedish accent. (Yes we will)

"Don't worry, Finn hasn't eaten anything in 5 hours' said Piper patting Finn's belly.

"So, 15 minutes for Richelle and Ozzy to choreograph their duet and we can sit and talk while eating pizzas."

"hey that's not fair" said Ozzy.

"Okay 25 minutes for Rich-" said Noah who got cut off by Ozzy,

"I mean for you guys to sit around eating pizza while me and Richelle are choreographing a duet"

"Okay to make it fair, why don't we all choreograph a short duet. Umm Lily and Henry, Amy and Summer, Piper and Heath, Finn and Kingston, and Kenzie you can dance with me" said Noah.

"Sounds good, and to avoid us vomiting uncontrollably let's postpone the pizza after the duet." said Piper.

"Okay, 25 minutes starts from..." said Noah looking at his watch. "Now"

A-Troupe ran around the building like kids looking for candy. Amy and Summer ran to Studio B. Lily yelled at Henry to look for an empty room and they went to the lounge room. Piper ran to Studio 1 which was fortunately empty and followed by Heath walking calm and slowly. Kingston and Finn ran to Baby Ballet Studio and Richelle pulling Ozzy's wrist to the music room. And Kenzie and Noah just stays in Studio A.

"I never been in this room, it's pretty small" said Summer staring at the walls of Studio B.

"Yeah, after Miss Kate built Studio 1 this room was rent for dancers outside the studio." explained Amy. "Thalia told me that spot in the middle is her sweet spot, I felt nothing but I'm sure you'll feel it"

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